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How Do We Create An Emergency Preparedness Plan?

HR Question: We don’t have a formalized emergency preparedness plan, and I think we should probably have one, right? What should we include? HR Answer: You’re right. Every employer needs an emergency action plan for many reasons, including to be compliant with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1020.38(a) requirement. Beyond the […]

HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

How Can We Reduce Bias in Recruitment Processes?

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

HR’s Role During An Economic Crisis

High inflation, rising interest rates, record-low unemployment, and strong consumer spending seem to have economists scratching their heads. In today’s economic uncertainty, HR professionals are preparing to pivot to meet the needs of their organizations should the economy go into recession. HR professionals are no strangers to navigating and leading through turbulent times. Throughout the […]

Image of the Wheel of HR featuring HR Compliance and Recordkeeping Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

What Questions Should I Ask During An Exit Interview?

HR Question: We’ve decided to start conducting exit interviews but aren’t sure of the right questions to ask. What are some key questions to ask during an exit interview? HR Answer: Exit interviews are an important part of the employee life cycle. These interviews, conducted after an employee has formally turned in their resignation and […]

HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

How Do Glassdoor Reviews Impact My Company and Our Recruiting Efforts?

Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

When Do I Have to Deliver an Employee’s Final Paycheck?

Image of Strategic HR Wheel of Services highlighting Communications

Designing a Modern Dress Code for Today’s Workplace

HR Question: We’re taking a look at revising our dress code policy. We want to balance today’s increasingly casual approach while still asking our team members to look professional. How can we create a modern dress code policy? HR Answer: In today’s modern workplace, the concept of dress code has evolved to reflect a more […]


The recommendations and opinions provided by Clark Schaefer Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.