Looking for a job in Cincinnati?

Look no further, we’ve created one convenient place to help you locate online tools for finding a job in the Greater Cincinnati area. Below is our list of local resources and job boards that are available to employers trying to fill open positions and for job seekers looking for new opportunities. If you know of any other locally based resources that are not on the list, feel free to send them to us through our Contact Us form.

Should you need personal assistance with your job search, Clark Schaefer Strategic HR provides personalized Career Coaching to assist with resume writing, creating a job search strategy and providing support during your job search. We also offer a comprehensive Career Assessment which can assist you with making a career transition should you think you might want to change careers. Check out our Career Coach services today!

Links to Cincinnati Job Search Resources



Brief Summary

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR Careers Search and apply for our clients’ job openings spanning a wide range of job types and industries. You can also pursue human resources career opportunities on our HR JobShop that is also located on our careers page.
American Marketing Association Cincinnati Career Center Job board connecting job seekers with marketing and related career opportunities.
Cincinnati Jobs Cincinnati jobs from Cincinnati.com.
Craigslist Cincinnati A free job posting board targeted to the Cincinnati area.
Cincy SHRM HR Roundtables Cincy SHRM HR Roundtables meet the first Tuesday of every month at Scalet Oaks Career Campus (300 Scarlet Oaks Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241) to discuss business/HR-related topics and to network. Meetings are open to all, including those in job transition. Contact Steve Browne at sbrowne@larosas.com with questions.
Cincy SHRM Resource Page This page provides links to resources in the areas of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Training & Development, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Chapters, Networking Opportunities, Chambers of Commerce, HR Education, Job Boards, Government Resources, Legal Issues, and SHRM’s HR Knowledge Center (membership required).
Job Search Focus Group The Job Search Focus Group (JSFG) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that supports individuals searching for new employment opportunities.
Kentucky Career Center Kentucky’s employment, workforce information, education, and training website with targeted jobs in Kentucky.
Northern Kentucky Accountability Group Sponsored by the Kenton County Public Library, the Northern Kentucky Accountability Group brings professionals together who are looking for jobs to share support, ideas, and learn how library resources can augment your job hunt.
OhioMeansJobs This is an Ohio website that allows you to search job opportunities throughout the state of Ohio, and you can narrow the search by city as well.
OhioMeansJobs Butler County Operating under the guidelines of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), this center connects local businesses with community job seekers by offering a wide array of free services to both parties.
OhioMeansJobs of Cincinnati / Hamilton County Offers the tools and resources to job seekers and employers that will help you to find a job or employees in Cincinnati.
OhioMeansJobs of Clermont County Employment Opportunities OhioMeansJobs of Clermont County delivers customized workforce solutions to businesses and assists the community members in their job search and skill enhancement.
OhioMeansJobs Warren County The OhioMeansJobs Warren County is a partnership of workforce development, educational and social service agencies that provide free services to job seekers and employers.
Flash Mob at Promark A job seeker support group hosted at ProMark (625 Eden Park Drive in the Baldwin Office Building, 4th Fl.) every Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. Contact 513-768-6500 for more information.
Recruiting Agencies Contact Strategic HR at info@strategichrinc.com or 513.697.9855 for recommendations.