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What Employers Need To Know About Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA)

Michigan State Capital at dusk with building lights on.

HR Question:

Our company has locations in multiple states, including Michigan, where there’s been a recent change to the Earned Sick Time Act. Can you explain what’s changed and what we, as an employer, need to do to comply with Michigan’s Earned Sick Time Act?

HR Answer:

Yes, this has been an evolving issue. On February 21, 2025, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed House Bill 4002 into law, amending the state’s Earned Sick Time Act (ESTA). These changes have significant implications for employers operating within Michigan as they include revisions to accrual rates, carryover rules, and compliance deadlines. Below we’ll outline what Michigan employers should consider moving forward to support their compliance.

Key Provisions of House Bill 4002

House Bill 4002 introduces several critical modifications to the ESTA, including the following four key components:

1. Accrual and Usage of Earned Sick Time

For employers with 10 or fewer employees:

Employees accrue one hour of paid earned sick time for every 30 hours worked, up to a maximum usage of 40 hours per year. Employers have the option to provide 40 hours of paid sick time at the beginning of the year, allowing immediate use.

For employers with more than 10 employees:

Employees accrue one hour of paid earned sick time for every 30 hours worked, with a maximum usage of 72 hours annually. Alternatively, employers can frontload 72 hours of paid sick time at the start of the year.

2. Carryover Provisions

For employers with 10 or fewer employees:

Employees may carry over up to 40 hours of unused earned sick time to the following year.

For employers with more than 10 employees:

Employees can carry over up to 72 hours of unused earned sick time annually.

3. Frontloading Option

Employers choosing to frontload the full allotment of sick time at the year’s start are not required to track accruals or allow carryover of unused time.

4. Effective Dates

The amendments took immediate effect on February 21, 2025. However, small employers with 10 or fewer employees have until October 1, 2025, to comply with the paid earned sick time provisions.

Implications for Employers

Employers in Michigan must assess and adjust their policies to align with the revised ESTA requirements. As you work to support your compliance, consider the following:

  • Policy Review and Update: Examine existing leave policies to ensure they meet or exceed the new standards. This may involve revising accrual rates, usage caps, and carryover rules.
  • Record-Keeping Practices: Implement systems to accurately track hours worked, sick time accrued, and sick time used. For employers opting to frontload sick time, be sure to have clear documentation of the provided hours and any usage.
  • Employee Communication: Inform staff about their rights and responsibilities under the updated sick leave policy. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures employees are aware of how to utilize their earned sick time.
  • Budget Considerations: Anticipate the financial impact of providing additional paid sick time, which is especially critical for smaller businesses with limited resources. Planning ahead can help mitigate potential budgetary constraints.
  • Compliance Timeline: While the law is already in effect, small employers have until October 1, 2025, to implement the necessary changes. It’s crucial to use this time effectively to be better positioned to comply by the deadline.

Supporting Your Organization’s Compliance

To navigate these changes successfully, we encourage employers to:

  1. Consult Legal Counsel: Seek advice to understand the specific implications of House Bill 4002 on your organization and to ensure that policy revisions comply with the law.
  2. Train Management Personnel: Educate supervisors and HR staff about the new requirements to support consistent and fair application across the organization.
  3. Monitor Legislative Updates: Stay informed about any further modifications or guidance related to the ESTA to best support your ongoing compliance.

By proactively addressing these areas, employers can align with Michigan’s updated Earned Sick Time Act, thereby supporting their employees’ well-being and compliance.

Special thanks to our CSH colleague, Luke Downing, Shareholder, for sharing his expertise in this HR Question of the Week.

It can be overwhelming to stay on top of constantly changing employment regulations, but you don’t have to do it alone. The HR experts at Clark Schaefer Strategic HR are prepared to support all of your HR Compliance needs. For example, we can create, review, or revise your employee handbook to help you communicate important changes to your employees while also supporting your compliance. Interested? Request a free handbook consultation.

Need help with your employee handbook?

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Three Ways Employers Can Promote Work-Life Balance

Photo of a woman working at home with her dog representing work-life balance

It’s no secret that the work environment has changed in recent years. We’ve experienced a pandemic, a labor shortage, inflation, and a contentious election, just to name a few. The recent Mercer Global Talent Trends found that more than 80% of employees are at risk of burnout. This was found to be stemming from excessive workload, financial stressors, and exhaustion.

It has become more important than ever that employers listen to and understand the motivations of their employees in order to best attract and retain them. Many employees have made changes that better support family life, financial security, and their lifestyle through flexible work situations, including flexible work options. Many are realizing that work-life balance is not a “nice to have,” but rather it is a necessity.

This and other research also found that the ability to enjoy a work-life balance ranked highly as a reason employees both join and stay at a company.

Three Ways to Promote Work-Life Balance

Each person has his or her own idea of work-life balance or work-life integration, which is another term that some use for the concept of the give and take, tug and pull between work and personal life. So how can employers meet the diverse needs and desires of their employees and achieve work-life balance, particularly if it means something different to each person? Here are three potential solutions:

1) Offer Flexible Work Options

To be competitive in today’s market, consider offering flexibility in where and when work is performed. Although this contradicts many headlines of CEOs and leaders demanding employees return to the office, many organizations are finding a hybrid approach can meet both the organization’s and the employee’s needs.

Steps to ensure success with hybrid work

A hybrid work arrangement can present unique challenges to individual and team productivity, collaboration, and success. We recommend that employers:

  • Plan for and build internal supports for those who are working remotely to ensure they have the appropriate support (people and tools) and clear direction to optimally perform.
  • Be purposeful with the time employees are required to be in the office. If this is a change for remote employees, provide valid reasons why their presence in person is needed. This may also require training for managers to engage employees to see the value of being in person.
  • Allow some flexibility so employees have some say in when they are in the office. When employees feel they have some degree of control, versus being told, they are more likely to buy into this model.

Employers should also ensure that their policies and practices are updated to align with their efforts of supporting employee work-life balance. For example, if you offer hybrid work situations, you should formalize this through a Hybrid Work Policy that both supports the need for employees’ work-life balance and meets the demands of the business.

Offering a hybrid option allows employees and their employers to view the work-life balance holistically and offers insight into how employers can build trust and empowerment within their employee groups while still maintaining fair expectations of employees. By offering the option of a hybrid work environment, employees can reduce the high levels of stress they’ve carried in the past around personal and family obligations and seek a better balance without long commutes.

2) Encourage Employees to Protect Their “Me Time”

Personal time is extremely important for a healthy balance. We are able to be more productive at work when we infuse our daily schedules with some downtime. However, working where we live can lead to blurred lines between work and homelife causing some to find it hard to turn off the workday knowing that there might be one more email/text/phone call that awaits their attention. Employees can start to feel that they need to be available 24/7… falling down the slippery slope that leads to burnout.

Employers can help employees to protect their “me time” by fostering a culture that supports that behavior. For example, it can help to set expectations and encourage employees to “turn off work” by a certain time each day. If an email request happens to be sent during a time when an employee should be “off duty,” instill the habit of noting when something isn’t urgent and can wait until their next workday. This can help employees to set healthy boundaries between work and personal life.

Encourage team members to set time aside each day by doing something for them, whether it’s for 10 minutes or for an hour. The goal is for this time to be set aside for something that truly calms their mind. It could be anything from exercising, meditating, reading, watching TV, etc.

Another way to encourage employees to protect their time is by maintaining a sense of structure throughout the day, whether employees are virtual, in-person, or hybrid. Be sure that you are continuing to host regular staff meetings, group meetings, and social gatherings to make time for some fun together as well.

3) Work Smarter, Not Harder

Help team members stay in the loop through weekly “huddles” or calls to keep everyone accountable and connected. Regular one-on-one meetings allow managers and employees to continue to touch base and uphold the objectives and goals set for the year.

Evaluate processes already in place. Don’t look for places to cut corners, but rather look for steps in the process that may not be necessary to complete the same high-quality work. It’s easy to get into the daily habit of following processes when there may in fact be an easier way.

Work-Life Balance Benefits for Employers

Whether you call it work-life balance or work-life integration, employers who embrace it will not only thrive in terms of attracting, engaging, and keeping valuable employees, they will help to prevent burnout, increase productivity across the board, and ultimately become employers of choice with a reputation for supporting work-life balance. If an employer chooses to ignore the work-life balance expectations of the current workforce, they run the double risk of losing great employees who leave for opportunities that better meet their needs and the impossible task of attracting new talent into a less-than-desirable work environment.


Thank you to Cathleen Snyder, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Director of Training & Development, and Cassie Whitehouse, M.Ed. for sharing their expertise on work-life balance.

Creating an organizational culture that is supportive of the diverse needs of employees is imperative to attracting and retaining the talent you need – not to mention critical to your bottom line. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR can support your culture strategy through employee surveys, establishing remote and hybrid work policies, identifying retention solutions, developing employee recognition programs, and more. Contact us today!

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Tips for Getting the Most From Your HR Audit

Photo of HR professional conducting an HR audit

HR Audit. No one likes to hear that word⁠ – audit. Review. Evaluation. Analysis. No matter what word you use, negative thoughts start to fill your head. We challenge you, however, to look at this event as a chance to review and renew. A properly conducted HR Audit can (and should) be a welcome review of your human resources function, helping you to remain the best in class or improve the function and services you provide. As with many things, how you prepare for an HR Audit will determine its effectiveness.

Why conduct an HR Audit?

An HR Audit involves an organized and structured review of your organization’s human resources practices. By reviewing policies, procedures, legal requirements, and processes, the HR Audit enhances the overall efficiency, compliance, and effectiveness of an organization’s HR practices – ensuring these are on track to focus your employees’ efforts in meeting your organization’s goals.

When conducted properly, the audit will reveal departmental strengths and shed light on gaps and areas for improvement. A skilled auditor will guide you through the findings and offer course-correcting recommendations.

Some reasons to conduct an HR Audit can be to:

  • Ensure implementation of good and consistent HR practices and compliance
  • Instill a sense of confidence in management and the human resources function
  • Maintain or enhance the reputation of the organization
  • Perform “due diligence” review for shareholders or potential investors/owners
  • Establish a baseline for process improvement and enhanced customer service

How to prepare for an effective HR Audit?

How do you ensure your HR Audit is a constructive event resulting in improvements rather than demerits?  The key to an effective audit is for it to be clearly defined and have the process work to your advantage. When selecting an auditor to review your human resources function, we recommend securing an individual or team that will work with you to make certain that you get what you want out of the review. To do that, interview those you are considering to take on the auditor role to verify that they understand your culture and your industry. Consider the following as you prepare for your HR Audit:

1. Define your desired outcome

What is the goal of your HR Audit? Is it a compliance-driven review?  Is it a review of process and best practice?  Some employers are confident that their compliance is on point and prefer a review of processes and best practices in functional activities such as recruiting, payroll processing, or even benefits administration. Others are solely concerned about compliance and keeping up with the myriad of changing legal requirements. Determine your desired outcome before you begin and tailor the review to meet those expectations on the front end.

2. Identify HR areas to review

Are you reviewing all of the functional aspects of HR or just one or two key areas?  For example, some employers request an in-depth review of a specific area, such as their recruiting function, rather than a review of all areas. The audit would consist of an evaluation of both compliance and best practices in the recruiting process to identify areas of potential improvement surrounding their recruiting efforts.

Others prefer to have a review of all of the HR areas. In this type of audit, all functional areas under analysis would include recruiting and employment, recordkeeping, policy development, compensation, benefits, health and safety, communications, and payroll. These reviews typically involve a focus on compliance in these areas, but they also evaluate processes and procedures for each of the areas. The organizational effectiveness of the HR function can also be examined to ensure the department is meeting the needs of its internal customers.

3. Determine who should be involved

Will you only include human resources staff who regularly touch the function, or will you include your internal customers as well?  For example, if you are doing a review of your recruiting and employment process, who will you include?  Your HR recruiting staff is an obvious choice, but what about the hiring managers in the functional areas and/or those involved in orientation and onboarding?

4. Take action

The report provided at the end of the audit will include items that should be improved. Findings may include general compliance or regulatory items that need to be addressed or even a process improvement recommendation. Most audits help you to determine the high-priority items versus those of lower priority based on compliance concerns.

Once the action items are identified, it will be up to you and your team to prioritize the items and determine who will be responsible for implementing the changes. Determine how you will approach the “fixes” so expectations are clear at the onset. It’s unlikely for everything to be addressed immediately, so you’ll want to align on expected timelines.

To ease concerns ahead of time, be sure to prepare for an HR Audit with a well-designed plan and clear expectations. As experienced HR auditors ourselves, we encourage you to work cooperatively with your chosen auditor to make sure you are getting what you want out of the review so positive outcomes can be reached.

Thank you to Lorrie Diaz, MS, PHR, Senior HR Business Advisor, and Patti Dunham, MBA, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Director of Business Strategy and Quality for sharing their expertise on HR Audits. 

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR knows that keeping abreast of HR Compliance issues can be daunting, especially when the laws keep changing. We can conduct an HR Audit to identify trouble spots in your HR function and help to mitigate compliance issues. If you would like a customized quote, you can Request an HR Audit Quote.

Concerned about your HR function?

Don’t worry! Our HR experts can conduct an HR Audit to put your mind at ease.

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Can I backdate FMLA paperwork?

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Can an Employee Take FMLA Leave to Care for an Adult Child?

Marijuana in the Workplace

A marijuana leaf next to the text "Marijuana in the Workplace"

HR Question:

Now that Issue 2, legalizing recreational marijuana in Ohio, has passed, what does it mean for my employment policies? Does this mean my drug-free workplace policies are no longer valid? How should I navigate marijuana in the workplace?

HR Answer:

Medical marijuana was legalized in Ohio in September 2016, and retail sales began in January 2019, when the first four licensed dispensaries opened for business. On December 7, 2023, Issue 2, decriminalizing non-medical marijuana use, will go into effect – opening the door for adults 21 and over to legally possess, purchase, and share up to 2.5 ounces of cannabis. As reported by WCPO, the law isn’t without its limits, however, as it prohibits:

  • Using marijuana in public
  • Operating a vehicle while under the influence of marijuana
  • Being a passenger in a vehicle and using marijuana at the same time

Additionally, landlords and employers can still prohibit marijuana use based on their policies. So, what do employers need to consider as they navigate this new law?

Considerations for Recreational Marijuana in the Workplace

First and foremost, it’s up to the organization to decide if the use of the drug will be tolerated or affect current drug testing policies. The employer would potentially need to reevaluate, for example, whether or not there is an acceptable amount of marijuana that could be found in someone’s drug test, and how that amount may impact the decision of whether or not to terminate an employee (or not to hire). Additionally, it’s necessary to consider how to ensure current employees aren’t using marijuana at work or before they come in.

Depending on how your organization wants to proceed, there are a few paths to take:

  • You could choose to eliminate confusion and maintain (or start) a zero-tolerance drug-free workplace. The drawback here is that you could have a harder time finding applicants for job openings. If that’s the case, you could remove or modify any existing testing policies to eliminate cannabis, much like many employers don’t test for alcohol.
  • If you open up your organization’s policies to permit legal marijuana use, one option is to shift the focus from testing what’s in someone’s system, which may linger for weeks after the fact, and instead come up with a new standard aimed at determining whether an employee is actually impaired. Some employers have begun to implement alertness assessments, which allows employers to test someone’s cognitive function that day. Of course, this would require training your leaders and managers and communicating expectations across the board to all employees.

Considerations for Medical Marijuana in the Workplace

What about medical marijuana? In outlining employers’ rights, Ohio’s Revised Code 3796.28 states that an employee has no specific protections, which could be interpreted that you do not have to accommodate an employee’s need to use the substance. An employer has the right to not hire an employee based on medical marijuana use, possession, or distribution. At this time, the law does not allow a cause of action against an employer if an employee believes he or she was discriminated against due to medical marijuana use. An employer is allowed to have a zero-tolerance drug-free policy in place, with or without special accommodations for those who use medical marijuana.

The Bottom Line

No, this does not mean your drug-free workplace policies are no longer valid. But what this does mean is that this is a key opportunity to review any drug-related policies to make sure they are up-to-date, accurate, and reflect the needs of your organization. And, as always, consult your legal counsel to ensure that you’re avoiding discriminatory actions and complying with federal, state, and local laws. If you make any changes, be sure to distribute and explain the policy and have employees sign off on the acknowledgment.

Thank you to Alisa Fedders, MA, SPHR, and Samantha Kelly for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week.

Do you struggle with doing what is right for your company and right for your employees when it comes to creating a Drug-Free Workplace? Sometimes the “right” solution isn’t always easily identified. Strategic HR understands your dilemma of being between a rock and a hard place. We can provide you with best practices, policies, and training when it comes to creating a Drug-Free Workplace or any needs concerning the health and well-being of your workforce. Please visit our Health, Safety, & Security page for more information on any of these services.

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How Do I Prepare for an HR Leave of Absence?

How To Handle Drug and Alcohol Abuse in the Workplace

Employee covering her face feeling ashamed.

HR Question:

I am part of our HR team, and a supervisor approached me because they suspect one of their employees may be drunk or on some type of drug that is inhibiting their performance. We have a policy prohibiting workplace drug and alcohol abuse that allows us to test if we have reasonable suspicion. Is that enough? What should I do?

HR Answer:

First, we recommend that you talk with the supervisor to understand and specifically document the employee’s behavior that’s causing concern. Is it behavior that is not typical (i.e., appearance, odor, etc.)? It is ideal to have two parties observe and document the behaviors to independently confirm reasonable suspicion of drug and alcohol abuse. However, it is not required if you do not have the ability to do this. If you’re able to have two observers, one party is often the supervisor and the other party is typically someone in management or HR.

If the employee has a safety-sensitive job or appears to present a safety concern for others, the manager and/or HR professional may need to remove the employee immediately from their work area. In this case, escort the employee to wait in a safe and private location (i.e., a conference room, an office, etc.) to discuss the concerns and observations.

How to Communicate the Concern

After documenting the employee’s behaviors, it is important to promptly discuss this information with the employee. It’s helpful to approach this type of conversation from a position of care and concern for the employee versus an accusatory approach. The observations should be shared in a fact-based manner. It is not necessary to specify the drug or alcohol you suspect they may have used. Instead, focus on the concern that they appear to be impaired in some way.

The company’s workplace drug and alcohol abuse policy should be reviewed with the employee, and it should be explained that they are being required to be tested as outlined in the policy. It is also important to explain the consequences if they refuse to comply. (And this should be addressed in your policy as well.) If you have any doubt about your policy’s ability to protect your organization or your employees, we recommend having your attorney review it.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Given the nature of the situation, the employee should not be allowed to drive themselves to the testing facility. Rather, the employee will need to be transported to the drug/alcohol screening facility. It is best practice to have someone in management or HR alert your testing facility of the situation and to transport the employee. Keep in mind, if you use a facility that does not provide instant results, you will also need to transport the employee to their home or ask them to identify someone who can pick them up and take them home.

It is best practice to not have the employee return to work until the test results are available. If you’re wondering how to handle the employee’s pay during this time, you are not obligated to pay an hourly (non-exempt) employee for time missed from work while waiting on the test results. This may not be the case for salary (exempt) employees according to the FLSA.

Negative Test Results

If the test results are negative, the manager or HR professional should contact the employee and advise them they can return to work on their next scheduled day. It’s also best practice to pay employees for time missed from work while waiting on the results.

Positive Test Results

If the test results are positive, you should follow your company’s policy and procedure. This may involve a last-chance agreement, treatment and/or Employee Assistance Program (EAP), or immediate termination if the company has a no-tolerance policy.

Whether the result is positive or negative, the situation must be handled respectfully and professionally. Keep in mind this is an uncomfortable situation for everyone and should be treated with the utmost discretion for all parties involved.

Special thanks to Marie Frey, SHRM-CP, HR Business Advisor for contributing to this HR Question of the Week.

Handling drug and alcohol use in the workplace can be stressful…especially if you don’t have the right policies, procedures, or training. Strategic HR can provide you with best practices, policies, and training when it comes to creating a Drug-Free Workplace or providing an overall safe and healthy work environment. Visit our Health, Safety & Security or Training & Development pages to learn more.

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Can I Fire Someone During Their Introductory Period?

A sheet of paper with "notice of employee termination" at top

HR Question:

Can I fire someone during their introductory period? Are there ways to reduce our risk?

HR Answer:

The short answer can be yes. As long as an employer has a properly written (and implemented) introductory period, there should be little concern over terminating someone during their new hire period. In fact, sometimes it is actually easier to terminate someone during this period of employment. A key component is to ensure that your introductory period policy and practices apply the employment-at-will status, as allowed by your state or locality. In that case, you should be able to rest easy with your decision, although we recommend consulting your attorney if you have any doubts.

On the other hand, if you don’t have a well-designed introductory period, your organization is at higher risk. If you’re unsure about your policy or implementation, read on to learn why introductory periods are important, what to consider in their design, and ways to reduce termination risks.

Why is a new hire introductory period important?

Introductory periods are an important phase of employment as they allow the new hire and employer to evaluate their fit with each other. These programs typically range from the first thirty days of employment up to six months and can be extended, if necessary.

Keep in mind that appropriate design and implementation are critical. According to the Society for Human Resources Management, some labor experts warn of the legal implications of introductory periods (including discouraging the use of the term “probationary period”). However, if implemented properly, employers can use the time to sufficiently train and evaluate the hire.

Setting appropriate expectations

During the introductory period, the employee has the opportunity to learn their role, acquire and demonstrate the skills necessary to perform the duties of the job, and understand how their role fits into the overall organization. Employers typically use this time to evaluate the employee to determine if they are a good fit for the position by reviewing their skills, knowledge, abilities, overall job performance (quantity and quality of work), work habits and behaviors, and attendance.

Although employees in this defined new hire period are essentially the same as all other employees, there are often special requirements placed on the individuals during this evaluation period. For example, some employers put in place stricter attendance requirements during the introductory period, (i.e., requiring new hires to work on-site for a defined period of time before allowing remote work situations). Other employers reduce the productivity requirements for new hires during this period as they are learning their roles.

Whether you are making the expectations more or less strict as compared to other employees, it is important to ensure that new hires are made aware of the expectations and how they will change after the completion of the introductory period.

Reduce termination risk during the new hire introductory period

Termination of employment at any time can be inherently risky. Here are some suggestions to consider that may bolster your new hire period policies and implementation:

  1. Clearly define the introductory period, including the length of time, and state that it can be extended, if necessary.
  2. Clearly express employment-at-will, if allowed in your jurisdiction and it applies to your situation. This statement indicates that the employment relationship is terminable at any time, including during the new hire period, and completion of the introductory period does not change that status.
  3. Provide a clear explanation to the new hire of how they will be evaluated, including specific expectations during the period and if/how these expectations are going to change once the new hire period is successfully completed.
  4. Evaluate your new hire regularly. Provide frequent and immediate feedback including written evaluations.
  5. If the new hire is failing to meet expectations, discuss what must be done to achieve acceptable performance as well as the next steps if there is no improvement.

Following these guidelines will help to ensure the new hire is treated fairly during the process. We also recommend that you consult your attorney to be sure that your introductory policies and procedures are optimally designed to mitigate your organization’s risk.

Special thanks to Patti Dunham, MBA, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week. 

Terminations are one of the most difficult aspects of Human Resources. Strategic HR can walk you through a termination, assist with the investigation, and provide a third-party objective look at each case. Visit our Employee Relations page to see how we can help you navigate through challenging situations while also building a positive relationship with your employees.

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Why Do I Need An Employee Handbook?

A blue spiral bound handbook with "employee handbook" with a pen beside it

HR Question:

Why do I need an Employee Handbook? Are they required?

HR Answer:

While it is not a requirement to have an employee handbook, having one can be an effective tool for you to communicate expectations throughout your organization. The employee handbook can be a quick reference for commonly asked questions such as “When am I eligible for vacation?” or “How do I call in sick?” Beyond communication with employees, a well-crafted employee handbook can provide many benefits to your organization.

Benefits For Employees

Orientation and Onboarding

For new employees, the handbook serves as an important introduction to your company. In addition to explaining work rules and expectations, it introduces new employees to the vision, values, and mission of your organization. An employee handbook can be a roadmap during orientation to help new employees get onboarded more quickly and reduce misunderstandings.

Organizational Culture

Your employee handbook is also an introduction to your company culture. The way that policies are phrased – such as expected working hours and location(s), ways to submit PTO requests or time off, how to communicate family/personal crises should they come up, etc. – can speak to your organization’s flexibility, inclusiveness, open-mindedness, or work-life balance expectations. Drafting policies that promote and reward desired behaviors (and perhaps, even explain the reasons behind them) can help nurture a healthy workplace culture.

Benefits For Employers

Protection for Employers

The employee handbook serves as a legal statement of policy on behalf of the employer. When signed by both the employee and employer, it can stand as evidence that not only were expectations communicated, but they were also agreed to as a requirement of working within the organization. For example, including anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, as well as bystander reporting requirements and complaint filing procedures, can provide guidance and protection for both employees and the employer should difficult situations arise.

An employee handbook can also clearly communicate the organization’s right to end employment based on performance, reorganization, financial downturn, or any other reason (commonly known as an “employment-at-will” statement). Without this, an employee may claim that an employment contract was made through other means of communication. Having a clear at-will-employment statement in the handbook may provide some protection from these types of claims.

It is critical for your handbook to be constructed properly for it to provide protection versus risk. Therefore, we highly recommend having your legal counsel review your handbook to ensure that it provides optimal protection for your organization.

HR Compliance

Your employee handbook can be used to meet the requirements of federal, state, and local laws. For example, federal law requires employers who are covered by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to inform employees of their FMLA rights. If FMLA applies to your organization, an employee handbook provides an opportunity to inform employees of their rights, your internal processes, and answer any frequently asked questions that come up when addressing FMLA needs.

In addition, businesses that have employees across states, cities, and towns may have to comply with the laws in those work locations. Creating state handbook policy addendums for different states or jurisdictions can help the organization in communicating these requirements.

Consistency in Work Rules

An employee handbook formalizes the company’s policies on workplace matters, ideally encouraging a fair and consistent workplace. Managers can refer back to the handbook as a guide when it comes to discipline, internal processes, expectations, or review policies to ensure consistent treatment for each employee.

Including policies such as a progressive disciplinary policy can inform managers and employees of the company’s expectations on how disciplinary issues will be handled, providing a sense of trust and reducing confusion in challenging situations.

Additional Considerations

Evaluating Policies and Communicating Changes

Maintaining company policies in an employee handbook provides an opportunity to examine your policies for contradictory, illegal, or outdated rules. Annual revisions to your handbook will encourage you to identify policy changes that should be made based on company goals, new laws, court rulings, and industry standards.

As with any HR policy revision, it is important to communicate the changes to employees. As a best practice, many organizations require employee signatures verifying that they have received the revised handbook.

Yes – Your Handbook Can Be Used Against You

An employee handbook is significant for what it includes, as well as what it does not include. It should provide policy direction, flexibility when necessary, and a clear outline of practices that your organization can follow consistently.

It is also essential not to include things in the handbook that you are NOT doing. For example, if your handbook indicates that you plan to review employee performance every year, but you haven’t reviewed anyone in over five years, then it would be important to review and revise that statement to reflect the practices you actually follow.

Ensure Your Handbook Is Customized For YOU

Be cautious of handbook templates or copying another organization’s handbook. Avoid including policies that do not apply to your company such as policies for companies with over 50 employees because you think you might be over 50 employees within the next 3 years. Also, make sure you have your attorney review your handbook to ensure they are comfortable defending you, should something ever go to court, based on what is written in the handbook.

Wondering if you’re up to date on policy trends? Learn more about the Top Employee Handbook Policies to Include this Year.


Thank you to Colleen Mahoney, PHR, HR Business Advisor, for contributing to this week’s HR Question of the Week.

Don’t have a handbook and not sure where to begin? Concerned that your current handbook is outdated? Don’t worry. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR can help you to create or revise your handbook to ensure that it serves as a meaningful communication tool helping to protect your employees and your business. To learn more, request a free handbook consultation today.

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How Long Should We Keep Resumes and Applications?

IMAGE of Hanging Files for How long to store resumes & applications-Hanging files

HR Question:

We’ve received a lot of resumes recently – some have been for positions we’ve posted, and some are unsolicited. Do we have to keep all of these resumes, and if so, how long do we need to keep the resumes and applications?

HR Answer:

First, let’s address what to do with unsolicited resumes. You are not obligated to store unsolicited resumes; however, it is important to be consistent with your approach. If there are any unsolicited resumes that you have kept for further consideration, your best approach is to keep all unsolicited resumes for the same duration of time that you retain your solicited resumes.

For resumes and applications that you have received in relation to a job opening, there are a few federal laws that require employers to retain employment applications and related documents ranging for a period of one to two years from the date of the hiring decision (the date the position was filled, not posted). Employers are responsible for following the federal laws under which they are covered as well as any contractual requirements that they may have (i.e., union contracts) that may require additional time to maintain records.

Another important item to note regarding applicant recordkeeping is that you are required to maintain not only employment applications for a position, but the entire hiring record. Hiring records could include such things as applications, resumes, screening tools and assessments, background checks, and reference checks. Anything that you use in assisting you with an employment decision is considered part of your hiring records.

Major federal laws that address employment records retention requirements include:

  • Age Discrimination in Employment Act – Requires employers to retain employment applications for one year. There is language, however, that indicates if you are aware the applicant is over age 40, you should retain it for as long as two years.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act – Requires employers to retain job applications and documents for one year. There is some variation based upon whether or not the applications are solicited or unsolicited, but the maximum retention is two years.
  • Executive Order 11246 – If you are a government contractor and have less than 150 employees or a contract of at least $150,000 you must retain these records for one year. If you have at least 150 employees or more and a contract of $150,000, you are required to keep the records for two years. If you have a resume on hand from a previous search and decide to consider it for a new position months down the road, you will need to keep that resume or application for the time required based on the last viewing of the document (i.e., 1-2 years past the fill date of the second position).

A word of caution – if there is a discrimination charge or unlawful employment practice brought against the employer, employment applications must be retained until the matter reaches a resolution. This can get tricky if someone claims discrimination because they did not get a promotion; the employer is then required to keep all the applications received for that promotion until the claim is resolved. With a lengthy lawsuit and litigation, this could be an extended amount of time.

Generally speaking, good practice is to keep resumes and applications of non-hired individuals for two years following the date the hiring process is completed for a position (i.e., from the time the new employee starts working). Remember to consult state laws in addition to federal regulations when determining how long to keep employee records.

Recordkeeping can be a daunting task, especially when you are trying to clean out old records and maintain the pertinent ones to remain compliant. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR understands your frustration and has many tried-and-trusted tips on recordkeeping. Visit our HR Compliance & Recordkeeping Services to learn more about ways we can help you to get your employment records in order.

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Why Is Harassment Training Important?

Written phrase "workplace harassment" on a paper pad

HR Question:

Do I really need to provide harassment training? Isn’t having an anti-harassment policy sufficient?

HR Answer:

While it’s definitely a great place to start, having an anti-harassment policy isn’t enough. It’s crucial to ensure that your entire team is on the same page when it comes to definitions, expectations, and consequences surrounding harassment in the workplace. Because harassment can look and feel differently depending on the situation and the context, you want to leave no room for misunderstandings or confusion – especially when trying to create a psychologically safe work environment.

Three Reasons Why You Need Harassment Training

1. It promotes and fosters a positive, inclusive, and diverse work environment. Harassment training helps to create a workplace culture that values respect, dignity, and inclusivity. It raises awareness about inappropriate behavior and ensures that employees have an understanding of the importance of treating their colleagues with respect. It eliminates confusion, helps educate and share perspectives that employees may not have experienced or had access to, and helps raise the value of all experiences in the workplace.

2. It can mitigate legal issues. Providing harassment training allows organizations to educate their employees about their rights and responsibilities in relation to harassment laws. This also provides an opportunity for everyone in the organization to have clear outlines of what is not acceptable. It’s part of the employer’s responsibility to create a safe workplace for their employees, and this is just one of many steps in doing so.

3. It can protect employees and promote a psychologically safe work environment. Harassment can have severe emotional, psychological, and even physical effects on individuals. By providing regular harassment training, organizations can aim to protect their employees from experiencing or witnessing such behavior by clearly outlining actions that are unacceptable in the workplace. Training provides employees with the knowledge and tools needed to identify, report, and address harassment more effectively and in a timely manner.

Keep the Training Going!

Between the 2018 and 2021 fiscal years, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received a total of 98,411 charges alleging harassment under any basis and 27,291 charges alleging sexual harassment. Since an employer can be held legally responsible for the actions of their employees, it stands to reason that every effort should be made to regularly remind employees of the expectations of their behavior, rather than assuming the training can be a “one and done” scenario.

So how can organizations continue the thread of anti-harassment throughout their organization?

  1. Start at the beginning of the employee life cycle. Include training on the types of harassment, the consequences of engaging in harassment, and the steps to prevent harassment to get new employees started off on the right foot, ensuring that they are familiar with what personal conduct will and will not be accepted in the workplace.
  2. Make sure you regularly repeat the training. Many organizations conduct annual education/training sessions that include harassment as part of the training. This is a great opportunity to refresh your employees’ knowledge of the subject matter and to further emphasize the company’s no-tolerance policy with regard to harassment.
  3. Be sure to review your anti-harassment policy regularly. Remember, the policy is still a great tool in your anti-harassment toolbelt. If you’re not sure where to start, the Society for Human Resource Management provides five ways to update and upgrade your current policy to make sure it’s in line with best practices.

Keep in mind, while federal law advises periodic harassment training, some states may require such training. For example, in California, employers with 50+ employees must provide two hours of sexual harassment training for supervisors every two years. Be aware of the specific requirements of your state or locale when it comes to harassment education for your employees.

Special thanks to Julie Knight, SHRM-CP, for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week!

Are you overdue on harassment or other annual training? Does your current training curriculum need to be refreshed to reflect changes in company policy or legal requirements? Strategic HR has the expertise and resources to help. Visit our Training & Development page to learn more.

Do I Need a Heat Safety Plan? How Do I Build One?

Professional working outside in high heat

HR Question:

As an employer, I understand it’s my responsibility to take precautions when employees work outside in the heat. Additionally, I learned that OSHA is now conducting Heat Safety Inspections. Do I need a heat safety plan? If so, how do I build one?

HR Answer:

As summer heats up and the temperatures rise above 80°F, so too will heat-related illnesses. Employers should be aware that OSHA places a duty on employers to protect employees from occupational heat-related illnesses both indoors and outdoors. SHRM reports that employers should prepare for an increase in heat-related workplace inspections by OSHA especially as the heat index rises!

Despite being commonly underreported, the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that since 2011 there have been 436 work-related deaths caused by environmental heat exposure. The death of postal worker Peggy Frank from heat stroke in her mail truck led to legislation that require all postal vehicles to be modified to include air conditioning within three years. In 2021, OSHA announced an enforcement initiative on heat-related hazards, developing a National Emphasis Program on heat inspections, and launching a rulemaking process to develop a workplace heat standard.

Starting a Heat Safety Plan

A job safety analysis will provide a better understanding of the heat risks that your employees experience. Positions commonly at risk for heat-related occupational illness are workers in agriculture, construction, landscaping, and mail and package delivery. Indoor environments such as manufacturing plants and distribution centers can create high-heat environments, which through ambient heat and protective clothing can be just as dangerous as the outdoors. When building your heat safety plan, be particularly mindful of the dangers involved with physically demanding positions and positions requiring bulky equipment or gear in high heat.

Monitor The Heat

When the heat index reaches 80°F or higher, serious occupational heat-related illnesses and injuries increase. This is especially true when employees are not yet acclimatized to the heat, performing strenuous work in direct sunlight, or in radiant heat without frequent access to cool water and shade. Monitor ambient temperatures and prepare for high heat events to ensure adequate measures are taken to protect employee health. Businesses with high-heat environments should establish a heat alert program so adjustments can be made to the physical demands of employees working in high heat. Businesses may consider scheduling hot jobs for cooler parts of the day or planning scheduled maintenance or repair work for cooler seasons.

Evaluate Your Tools

Once there is a thorough understanding of the organization’s heat safety risks, evaluate environmental controls such as air conditioning, fans, heat shields, ventilation, or other ways of reducing radiant heat sources. Investments made in improving employee working conditions will improve productivity and provide a boost to morale. Employers can continue to reduce the risk of occupational heat illnesses by providing frequent breaks, and shaded cooling stations with ample cool water that is easily accessible to workers. Establishing a regular schedule of rest and hydration breaks will promote a culture of well-being where employee health and safety are the top priority.

Pay close attention to new hires in high-heat environments as they have not had an opportunity to acclimate to the environment. Provide even more frequent breaks to new employees and ease them into the physical demands. Providing body cooling and protective clothing such as cooling vests can help reduce the impact of the heat on the employee’s health.

Train Your Managers / Supervisors and Employees

Train employees and managers on heat safety to ensure that everyone knows the signs and symptoms of heat stress and is trained on heat-related illness first aid. OSHA fined a Florida-based employer heavily for exposing workers to hazards related to high ambient heat without adequately training someone to perform first aid and ensure they were available to render assistance in heat-related emergencies. Training is key to ensuring employees are educated on heat-related hazards to manage their exposure, take breaks, stay hydrated, and monitor signs of heat stress. Managers need to be trained on heat-related hazards, safety protocols to reduce heat-related illnesses, and how to obtain first aid for any employee suffering from heat-related illness.

Employers can consult the Criteria for a Recommended Standard: Occupational Exposure to Heat and Hot Environments for more recommendations on how to build a heat safety program and keep employees safe from heat-related illnesses.

Special thanks to Colleen Mahoney, PHR, for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week!

Have you had a safety audit recently? Do you know which OSHA forms you are required to complete? A safe environment plays a key role in keeping a company Healthy, Safe, and Secure. Strategic HR has the expertise you need to ensure your policies and practices are keeping your workers, and customers, safe. Visit our Health, Safety, and Security page to learn more about how we can assist you.

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What Do I Do Now That I-9 Flexibilities Are Ending?

Image of woman signing I-9 employment documentation

HR Question:

In July 2023, the Department of US Citizenship and Immigration Services eliminated the Form I-9 flexibilities put into place due to COVID-19. Recently, I understand they are again allowing the remote review of I-9 documents. Is this accurate?

HR Answer:

Yes, you’re correct – the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) confirmed that the temporary flexibilities for verifying documents for I-9 forms expired on July 31, 2023. Any remote team members hired during the COVID-19 pandemic (on or after March 20, 2020) whose I-9 documents were verified remotely, had to have their documents physically inspected. That verification was required to be completed by August 30, 2023.

While we all scrambled to update these documents, USCIS came out with additional guidance on July 25, 2023, that provided an alternative procedure for Form I-9. The Notice indicated that employers who meet the following four (4) requirements may choose an alternative procedure in lieu of physically examining Form I-9 documentation that had been examined remotely under the COVID-19 flexibilities.

To qualify for the alternative procedure, an employer must have:

  1. Performed remote examination of an employee’s documents between March 20, 2020, and July 31, 2023;
  2. Been enrolled in E-Verify at the time they completed the Form I-9 for that employee;
  3. Created a case in E-Verify for that employee (except for re-verification); and
  4. Be currently enrolled in and continue to participate in E-Verify.

Employers who do not meet all four requirements must perform an in-person physical examination of documents by August 30, 2023.

The USCIS provides details on the alternative procedure and examples of properly completed forms.

New Form and Additional Flexibilities

Although many HR professionals celebrated the alternative procedure that was provided, we had more to celebrate when the flexibility was extended. In August 2023, the USCIS allowed permanent remote examination of employees’ Form I-9 documents IF they are enrolled in the E-Verify program. For more guidance, refer to the detailed alternative procedure.

Finally, the department did issue a new I-9 form in August 2023. The form dated “10/19/2019” can continue to be used through October 31, 2023, but beginning November 1, 2023, only the new Form I-9 dated “08/01/2023” can be used.

What if an Employee Refuses?

If an employee is unwilling or unable to provide documentation for physical confirmation or remotely if you qualify, that employee is subject to termination. Employers cannot retain an employee who has not provided documentation for the I-9 form, including presenting their documents for physical inspection. Organizations that retain an employee who is not authorized to work in the United States, or who have not reviewed documentation in person, are subject to hefty fines by the USCIS.

Remember, I-9 forms should be kept in a separate file from the employee’s personnel file, and make sure you retain the updated I-9 forms. For additional information, be sure to check out USCIS’s FAQ for Employers.

Special thank you to Patti Dunham, MBA, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Director of HR Solutions and Sheryl Fleming, MA, SHRM-SCP, HR Business Advisor for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week!

I-9 forms and other employment verification processes are important to get right – otherwise, you might be subject to costly fines and legal fees. Let our HR experts lend a hand! Learn more about how we can support your compliance efforts by visiting our HR Compliance and Recordkeeping page or by contacting us today.

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What Do I Have to Know Before Filing My EEO-1 Report?

Person filing papers

HR Question:

What is an EEO-1 Report and how do I know if I am required to file one?

HR Answer:

As defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the EEO-1 Report is an annual mandatory data collection of demographic workforce data, such as race/ethnicity, gender, and job categories. The window for the 2022 data collection will open in mid-July 2023.

Am I Supposed to File an EEO-1 Report?

Great question to start with! Not every employer is required to file an EEO-1 report. That being said, there are a few questions to ask yourself to understand if you need to file:

  • Do you have 100 or more employees?
  • Are you a federal contractor?
  • Are you a first-tier subcontractor with 50 or more employees and at least $50,000 in contracts?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you need to file an EEO-1 report annually. Employers also must file if the organization is any of the following:

  • Owned by or affiliated with another company and the entire enterprise has 100 or more employees.
  • Serving as a depository of government funds for any amount.
  • A financial institution that is an issuing and paying agent for US Savings Bonds and Notes.

There are some organizations that are exempt, such as State and local governments, public primary and secondary school systems, institutions of higher education, American Indian or Alaska Native tribes, and tax-exempt private membership clubs other than labor organizations.

What Should I Know Before I File?

It always pays to be prepared! Before you start gathering the data yourself, here are a few tips to help you be better prepared to file your EEO-1 Report.

First, research and understand the requirements for filing. While these requirements don’t change frequently, it’s best practice to double-check the most up-to-date requirements, which can be found on the EEOC‘s website. If you have additional questions, the Message Center provides an outlet to reach out to the EEOC for guidance. This page will open in mid-July as the window for 2022 data collection opens.

Gathering the data yourself can be difficult. While this may not be an immediate solution, investing in an HRIS or a payroll system can be a great resource. Some software includes an HR solution that provides an efficient and accurate way to access the employee data needed to complete the report accurately.

If you do not have an HRIS or payroll software solution, you can have each employee complete an EEO Self-Identification Form. This form is voluntary, however; if an employee declines to identify, the federal government requires you to determine this information by visual survey and/or other available information.

How Do I File?

If your company has never filed an EEO-1 Report before, let’s start with the basics – creating an online account. Visit the EEOC Data page, select “Create an Account,” then log in to the EEO-1 Component 1. At that point, new users can link their individual user account to a company record by selecting “Add Company to List” on the Your Company List page and entering your company’s EIN. After you register, you will receive your Company ID and PIN.

You will need the following information to complete the report:

  • Company ID and PIN
  • Company EIN and NAICS code
  • Company DUNS Number (if the company is a federal contractor)
  • Establishment address(es) – for a single-establishment, submit only one EEO-1 data report; for a multi-establishment company, submit a separate report for each location.
  • A count of all full-time and part-time employees during the specified pay period you have selected (for 2022 reporting in 2023, you can select October, November, or December of 2022)
  • Gender and race/ethnicity of all employees
  • Job categories for all employees
  • Employment data from one pay period in October, November, or December of 2022

Once the report is finished, it needs to be certified and submitted. Don’t forget to click the “certify report” button; otherwise, the EEOC will not receive your report.

Thank you to Sherri Hume, SHRM-CP, HR Business Advisor, for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week. 

Recordkeeping is one of the more mundane tasks associated with Human Resources, but it is extremely important and can get you into hot water (i.e., incurring fines) if not done properly. Keeping the right files easily accessible and up-to-date is vital. Need some help? Visit our HR Compliance & Recordkeeping page to learn more.

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When Do I Have to Deliver an Employee’s Final Paycheck?

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Designing a Modern Dress Code for Today’s Workplace

Dress Code Policy on a Clipboard

HR Question:

We’re taking a look at revising our dress code policy. We want to balance today’s increasingly casual approach while still asking our team members to look professional. How can we create a modern dress code policy?

HR Answer:

In today’s modern workplace, the concept of dress code has evolved to reflect a more relaxed and individualistic approach. Many companies have moved away from the traditional suit, skirt, button-down, formal shoes, tie, etc. combinations that were common in the past. One of the main reasons for this shift is the changing nature of work itself.

Many jobs today are more creative and require a more individualistic approach. This means that employees are encouraged to express themselves through their clothing choices, as long as it is appropriate for the workplace. Additionally, as younger generations gain a larger presence in today’s workforce, employers have recognized the need to allow for personal expression through clothing and accessories with a lean toward a more casual dress code to attract and retain top talent.

Designing a dress code for the modern workforce is an important task and requires a delicate balance between creating a professional and inclusive environment. Here are some steps to consider when designing a dress code:

Identify your Dress Code Requirements

First, identify the requirements of your workplace, including the nature of the work, the industry, workplace safety, and the expectations of the customers or clients. It might help to categorize your approach in typical dress code categories that most individuals are familiar with, such as business casual, casual, smart casual, company attire/uniform, and business attire.

For those unfamiliar with those guidelines, providing examples is your best route to clearly outline expectations. For example, you could provide images or descriptions of appropriate attire and accessories. These examples will guide the type of attire that is appropriate for your workplace.

If the nature of an employee’s work and who they interact with varies daily (i.e., Are they customer-facing all of the time? Some of the time? Not at all?), that may result in the expectations for their level of dress to change from day to day depending on these factors. So if your dress expectations do vary, we recommend that you clarify this in your dress code policy to help employees navigate through this appropriately.

Make Sure It’s Inclusive

It’s important to balance the need for professionalism with the desire (or need, in some cases) for individual expression, respect for other cultures, and/or the way individuals identify. For example, establishing expectations or limits around how someone wears their hair could limit someone’s ability to abide by their religious beliefs or could discriminate against hairstyles that have cultural significance. For example,  The C.R.O.W.N. Act was created for this very reason.

Developing an inclusive dress code should also factor in gender identity. Avoid gender-specific language and instead use gender-neutral language, such as “employees should wear professional attire, such as a suit and tie or skirt and blazer” instead of “men should wear a suit and tie.”

Be Flexible & Seek Feedback

Flexibility is key when designing a dress code that is inclusive of all genders. Consider allowing employees to choose from a range of acceptable attire options, rather than prescribing a specific dress code. If your organization maintains a uniform (ideally, one that can be considered gender-neutral), consider allowing employees to express themselves through accessories or subtle variations in attire, while still maintaining an appropriate level of professionalism.

Finally, seek feedback from employees to ensure that the dress code is meeting their needs and is inclusive of all genders. Encourage open communication and consider making adjustments as needed.

Overall, designing a dress code for the modern workforce requires a thoughtful and inclusive approach that balances professionalism and individual expression. While there are still certain expectations and guidelines that should be followed, employees are encouraged to express themselves through their clothing choices. By understanding your workplace culture and asking employees to dress appropriately for their positions, you can help them find and maintain a healthy balance between professionalism and self-expression.


Thanks to Cassie Whitehouse, M.Ed., for contributing to this edition of the HR Question of the Week! 

Trying to find ways to create inclusive policies? Want to build a welcoming environment, but not sure how to develop policies and procedures that reflect that? Our team at Strategic HR can help you create policies and procedures that clearly lay out your expectations of your employees while creating a flexible and inclusive environment. Contact us today or learn more about how Strategic HR can help you remain compliant, avoid unnecessary obstacles, and increase employee trust, engagement, and satisfaction through HR Communications.

HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

Should I Use a Pre-Screen Questionnaire For Job Applicants?

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What Questions Should I Ask During An Exit Interview?

Image of two professionals conducting an exit interview.

HR Question:

We’ve decided to start conducting exit interviews but aren’t sure of the right questions to ask. What are some key questions to ask during an exit interview?

HR Answer:

Exit interviews are an important part of the employee life cycle. These interviews, conducted after an employee has formally turned in their resignation and is in their last few days of employment with your organization, allow you to get feedback to examine and potentially improve processes, expectations, and experiences within the company. While typically conducted with an employee who is leaving on their own terms for another opportunity, you can also conduct exit interviews with those employees who are relocating, retiring, or leaving for personal reasons.

Take the time to discuss topics such as pay and benefits, team culture and expectations, and reasons why someone may have felt prompted to search for opportunities elsewhere. The answers to these questions can help you develop strategies for your HR processes. Plus, this feedback is critical to reducing turnover and creating an environment your employees want to work for. You can’t fix what you don’t know, and you won’t know unless you ask. Preparing ahead of time can allow you to ask focused questions that will lead to the necessary answers.

How to prepare for an Exit Interview

The first step in conducting an effective exit interview is to ask yourself what you are hoping to accomplish by talking to the exiting employee. Are there areas or blind spots that they may be able to shed light on or provide additional insight into? This opportunity will allow you to gather feedback that current and remaining employees may be too hesitant to share.

You may have some suspicions as to the underlying reason(s) for employees’ departures, so this can be an opportunity to test out your hypotheses. For example, you may be concerned that your salary ranges are not up to date with your market and industry, and you are lagging behind your competitors. Or is the employee leaving because of a manager, supervisor, or co-worker? Do you want to look at your culture to see if it promotes teamwork, accountability, and appreciation?

Additionally, be prepared to see the organization through this individual’s lens. They may not have had the best experience, or perhaps they felt consistently frustrated by certain elements. As a result, be prepared to listen to their feedback (and potential negative approach) with an impartial ear and an eye looking for potential opportunities for improvement.

What questions should I ask?

After determining the why, start creating questions that will get you the information you are seeking. Of course, there are many questions that you could ask, so we recommend you identify a set of questions that can be discussed in a reasonable amount of time. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Were you looking for a job (and if so, what made you decide to start looking)?
    Because of the current job market, many employers pursue passive job seekers and provide the employee with a terrific employment opportunity. If the individual was actively applying for new roles, this might help get to the root of why they wanted to leave.
  2. What caused you to accept the position?
    This is where the interviewer can get to a key differentiator between their organization and their competition. More pay, better benefits, remote work, work culture, toxic manager, etc. may be reasons why the offer made couldn’t be refused.
  3. Did your manager meet your expectations for providing appropriate direction, support, and leadership?
    It is often said that people leave a manager, not a job. If their expectations weren’t met, ask probing questions to understand why. This can shed light on any supervision and leadership issues that may need to be addressed.
  4. How can our company improve our training and/or onboarding process?
    For those newer to your company, this question allows you to determine how the employee felt about their first few months in your organization and if they feel they received sufficient training to do their job. If the employee has been with your organization for a longer time period, be sure to clarify that their suggestions can also come from their experience or role in training and onboarding processes as well.
  5. What, if anything, would you have changed about your job?
    A good follow-up question to this one is “if that change were implemented, would you return to work here?” Again, this question can get to the root cause of the turnover, and if the departing employee feels strongly enough about the company to consider returning at a future time. Remember that boomerang employees can be an asset to your organization as they can return re-energized and more engaged, so keep that door open when it’s appropriate to do so.
  6. Would you refer a friend or family member to work here?
    This question can give you additional information about the culture of the organization. If the answer is “yes, but not in my department,” follow-up questions may again reveal issues that should be addressed.

For additional areas to probe, Glassdoor provides more exit interview questions to consider.

What to do after an Exit Interview

After the exit interview, consider how you will use the data. Are you sharing it with the managers or leadership team, or are you checking the exit interview off your list and storing the information? Look for themes, especially if there is increasing turnover in one department or position. For example, are all of your customer service representatives leaving because they didn’t feel as though they were trained appropriately? Do your departing IT professionals complain about a lack of support from their manager? Use the data from exit interviews to create action plans to address issues and concerns.

Exit interviews can be used as a great tool to target turnover and retention issues. An effective exit interview is also valuable in pinpointing management and cultural challenges in an organization if the data is used appropriately. An alternate strategy is to open lines of communication with employees before they leave by conducting employee surveys or implementing stay interviews to identify and address issues before they choose to exit.

Thank you to Sheryl Fleming, MA, SHRM-SCP, for contributing to this HR Question of the Week.

Do you know why your employees choose to leave your organization? Exit interviews, while time-consuming, can be key tools for better understanding your company’s retention opportunities. Our team at Strategic HR can help you construct and conduct stay and exit interviews to learn more about why employees stay or go. Visit our Employee Relations page or Contact Us to learn how we can lend a hand in your employee retention efforts.

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What is Equal Pay Day?

Woman holding two unequal pay stacks

HR Question:

I keep seeing information about “Equal Pay Day” during Women’s History Month. What is Equal Pay Day, and how can I recognize it in my organization?

HR Answer:

Equal Pay Day is a symbolic day that puts into perspective the 23% pay gap between a woman and a man in the same role. Based on the current gap, a woman has to work one full year plus several additional weeks into the following year to make the same amount that her male counterpart made in one year alone.

In 2023, Equal Pay Day is March 14, representing the 2022 US Census Data showing women make 84 cents (all full-time workers) and 77 cents (all full-time, part-time, and seasonal earners) for every dollar paid to non-Hispanic, white men. This translates to an annual wage gap of $9,954. That gap is unfortunately even larger for most women of color, resulting in a gap of $.64 on the dollar for Black women, $.62 for mothers, $.61 for Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders, $.54 for Latina women, and $.51 for Native and Indigenous women.

Equal Pay Day was established in 1996 by the National Committee on Pay Equality (NCPE). The day is recognized annually, but not always on the same date due to the pay gap calculation. Even though Equal Pay Day has been around for 27 years, it is more widely recognized today, in part due to the stronger focus on eliminating the gap. Current initiatives, such as pay transparency and salary history ban laws, were introduced by individual cities and state-wide to address the pay gap.

Where are Equal Pay Laws in Place?

On January 1, 2023, three new states were added to the list of city and state governments that passed laws to protect applicants by banning employers from asking about prior salary history and/or requiring that companies list salary ranges in their job advertisements. Currently, the following governments have such laws:


  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Maryland
  • Nevada
  • Rhode Island
  • Washington


  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Ithaca, NY
  • Jersey City, NJ
  • New York City, NY
  • Toledo, OH
  • Westchester County, NY

According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), pay transparency is one of the top issues people managers will face in 2023. According to Monster’s 2022 poll, 98% of workers believe salaries should be disclosed, with another 53% of applicants refusing to apply for a position if the salary is not disclosed.

How Can I Support the Movement?

So how can employers address the gender gap and honor Equal Pay Day in their organizations? Some recommended ways include:

  • Performing an Equal Pay Audit to review job classifications, salaries, and genders and take corrective actions if inequity is found.
  • Reviewing compensation policies to remove gender bias.
  • Removing managerial discretion on pay and sticking to a salary band of positions for new hires and for annual increases.
  • Removing prior salary history from applications and interviews.
  • Establishing fair scheduling practices to allow for caregiving.

For even more ways to contribute to awareness and celebrate Equal Pay Day you can visit

Thank you to Paula Alexander, MA, PHR, SHRM-CP, for contributing to this HR Question of the Week!

Performing an equal pay audit can be a complex, but necessary, step toward equal pay for all. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR is ready to assist you with any of your needs around Benefits and Compensation. We offer assistance with everything from job descriptions to policy development to help address your complex issues that impact employee compensation or benefits. Please visit our Benefits and Compensation page for more information on how we can assist you.

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How To Set Up An Employee Bonus Plan

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How To Follow ACA Reporting Requirements & Avoid Penalties

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Could Sabbaticals Be Your Next Retention Tool?

HR Question:

In today’s fast-paced and high-pressure market, it’s difficult to truly disconnect from work. We’ve been trying to find ways to give our team a break to avoid burnout, but sometimes a week of vacation just isn’t enough. Could sabbaticals be the newest tool in our retention toolbox?

HR Answer:

You’re not alone in considering sabbaticals as they seem to be gaining in popularity. According to a recent World at Work survey assessing US organizations ranging in size and industry, 10% of organizations offered paid sabbaticals (up from 7% in 2019), and 29% offered unpaid sabbaticals (up from 16% in 2019). Now, as we’re well into a period with many different names – the Great Reshuffle, the Great Resignation, the Great Re-Evaluation to name a few – sabbaticals may be the unsung hero that benefits both employers and employees alike when it comes to talent retention, supporting good mental health, and strengthening employee engagement and dedication to their work and your organization.

Time to Re-Charge, Re-Energize, and Reconnect

It’s no secret that the first beneficiary of a sabbatical is the employee. Unfortunately, those who do choose to take sabbaticals may often lack the opportunity to properly enjoy them. In fact, The Sabbatical Project reports that nearly two-thirds of those who do take a sabbatical are often forced into them due to traumatic circumstances out of their control – the loss of a family member, health issues, the need to navigate complex or dissolving relationships, etc. Not exactly the most relaxing setting for a rejuvenating and relaxing period of time.

Although a sabbatical can be used to address such issues, it could benefit organizations to promote them for a broader purpose. Employees should be encouraged to consider using a sabbatical as an opportunity to truly disconnect, re-energize, and re-focus if suffering from burnout or fatigue. They can also be used to discover new passions, chase hobbies, and gain the experiences that many may put off until after retirement.

Sabbaticals Benefit the Employer Too

And while a sabbatical, paid or unpaid, can seem like an intimidating amount of time away from the desk for both the employee and the employer, the benefit of a re-energized and re-engaged employee can pay back dividends. Interviews for a Charter and TIME article revealed employees who returned from a sabbatical found themselves more creative, felt greater feelings of loyalty and energy, and brought new ideas to the table.

When considering the cost of having to replace a long-term employee, along with their organizational knowledge, skills, and work relationships built over time, offering a sabbatical as an opportunity to renew and recharge may be far more cost-effective. In addition, offering sabbaticals as part of your benefits package is not only attractive to retain current employees, but can also be a valuable talent acquisition tool to attract new talent.

Your Team Will Benefit From Your Time Away

The longer nature of sabbaticals creates an opportunity for cross-training. As opposed to managing through vacations where you can push a project or a question off “just a few days” until a person returns, sabbaticals present a fantastic opportunity to engage other team members in new and different tasks, departments, and levels of the organization – providing the employer with a built-in opportunity for the career development and growth that ranks high on job seekers’ lists today.

Sabbaticals Don’t Come Without a Cost

It would be a win-win if sabbaticals came without a cost to the employer or employee, but unfortunately, that’s not the case. That’s why it’s important that employers establish their promises and expectations for sabbaticals. How often and for how long can employees be away? Do they need to serve a certain number of years to qualify? How much of their regular pay will they still receive, if any? How does a sabbatical tie into their PTO or other time off categories?

While the cost may not be a surprise, the money saved by creating an attractive workplace, providing necessary mental health benefits, and showing that you’re an organization committed to putting employees’ needs first may very well pay dividends in attracting and retaining valuable talent.

Special thanks to Samantha Kelly for contributing to this HR Question of the Week! 

Providing adequate Benefits and Compensation for your employees is key to the recruitment and retention of a well-performing workforce, and having the right policies in place can make or break a company. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR can help you structure your benefit and compensation system to meet today’s competitive market. Please visit our Benefits and Compensation page for more information today.

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Why Is It Important To Get An Employee’s Signature?

Image of an employee's signature being added to a document.

Have you ever had an employee question an employment agreement or say they didn’t mean to agree to a term of their employment? Why is it so important to get an employee’s signature?

This is a critical question for all employers, and the answer applies to more than just employment agreements! At its root, a signature is used to show the intent of an individual to bind oneself to a contract or make a written representation.

Why is an Employee’s Signature Important?

In the case of a new hire’s employment agreement, the signature here binds both the employee-to-be and the company to the agreed-upon terms such as salary, benefits, schedule, etc. – all items you don’t want to have to argue over after the employee has already started.

There are other instances where having an employee’s signature can help to protect your organization beyond the employment agreement. For example, when memorializing a performance conversation, it may be important to have an employee make a written representation of the fact that they were there, they understand the conversation, and they’ve agreed to any future action discussed during the meeting.

Obtaining an employee’s signature on documents such as these not only helps to clarify expectations, but it can also be an important part of your organization’s risk mitigation.

Employee Signature Best Practices

These signed documents are used should the agreement, the conversation, or actions be called into question, whether that’s internally or in a court of law. To eliminate additional confusion, there are best practices when gathering employee signatures.

A signature in ink is recognized as the standard for executing documents. However, should in-person not be an option (as many organizations have experienced a significant increase in remote workers), other legally recognized methods of signing are effective. These may include a scanned PDF of a signed document with an original signature or obtaining an electronic signature using software that is legally recognized, such as DocuSign, Adobe, certain payroll services, etc.

All in all, it goes back to showing intent to sign should anyone ever question that an agreement was created.

What Doesn’t Count as a Signature?

What you want to avoid is a question of fraud or whether an individual intended to enter into the agreement. Just typing a name using script font instead of using an original signature is typically not sufficient because it is easier to claim that it was created by someone other than the named party.

Additionally, simply cutting and pasting a picture of a person’s original signature into a document, as is sometimes done on letters, isn’t recommended because it can be more easily used to create counterfeited documents (or alleged to be counterfeit by a party not wanting to be bound by the agreement). Having said that, it is slightly better than typing in script font.

In the end, it is important to protect both parties – the employee and the company – with original or well-documented signatures in the case of disagreements or audits. By taking a little bit of additional time upfront to ensure that you’ve gathered an employee’s signature correctly, you can prevent a significant amount of wasted time and money later down the path.

Special thank you to Emily Smith, JD, General Counsel for Clark Schaefer Hackett, and Sammie Kelly for contributing to this Emerging Issues in HR.

Although maintaining proper recordkeeping practices may not be everyone’s forte, it is a critical piece to help protect both your organization and your employees. But don’t worry, Clark Schaefer Strategic HR are here to help! We can conduct an HR Audit to review your HR policies, procedures, documentation, and systems to identify any areas for improvement or enhancement in your HR function. To learn more, visit our HR Audit page or Request an HR Audit Quote.

How To Determine If A Home Office Injury Is Covered By Workers’ Compensation

Image of a man with a broken leg working from a home office

HR Question:

Our company has agreed to allow employees to work a hybrid schedule, allowing them to work from home on multiple days during the week. Although this has been very well received by employees, we have seen an increase in the number of injuries from employees working from home. How do I know if a home office injury is covered by workers’ compensation, and how do I handle these claims?

HR Answer:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that in 2020, private industry employers reported 2.7 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses. Although down from 2.8 million in 2019, workplace injuries are still an expensive and difficult issue for employers, and with the increase in the number of employees telecommuting and working from home or alternate locations, this task has some additional unique challenges.

What is a compensable injury under workers’ compensation?

In many instances, it is easy to determine if an injury is covered by workers’ compensation. The key words in determining coverage under workers’ compensation are: “arising out of (what they were doing) and in the course of (where were they – time, place, etc.) employment.” Cutting your finger opening a box at work is an easy example of a covered injury. Injuries from a home office are not always as easy to determine coverage. Overall, injuries and illnesses that occur while an employee is working at home are considered work-related (and thus compensable) if the illness or injury occurs while the employee is performing work for pay in the home or alternate workspace and the injury or illness is directly related to the performance of work. If the employee is completing a work task and they can prove they were working in the interest of their employer when they got hurt or injured, it is typically a covered event.

One important note is that employers must also consider the “personal comfort doctrine.” This legal term states that certain personal activities for the employee’s comfort (bathroom breaks, eating/drinking) are deemed necessary and are considered part of an employee’s work activity. According to the personal comfort doctrine, tripping over the dog and breaking your leg while walking to the bathroom at home during work hours could be covered under workers’ compensation. This doctrine, along with the overall lack of witnesses and the inability to control the work environment, can lead to frustration regarding workers’ compensation claims outside of the traditional workplace.

For additional support, OSHA provides instruction on compliance and guidance on interpreting the work-relatedness of injuries resulting from telecommuting.

What can employers do to protect your organization and your employees?

We recommend taking the following steps to establish expectations for safe remote work environments, as well as what to do if you receive an injury claim from a remote worker:

  1. Create a work-from-home policy that includes the requirement to maintain a professional, well-kept, and safe work environment. Include home safety audits.
  2. Require employees to report any work-related injuries or illness immediately to their manager or safety official.
  3. If an injury occurs, obtain a report of the accident and be sure to include a written statement from the employee. The report should include exactly what the person was doing at the time of the injury. How, when, and where the injury occurred should be detailed in the report. Cumulative injuries and slips, trips, and falls are the most commonly reported home injuries, therefore, getting these details is important.
  4. Ask the employee to take pictures of the work area where the injury occurred as well as of their injury, if possible.
  5. Provide all of the pertinent information to your workers’ compensation carrier or administrator, and let them make the assessment as to work-relatedness. Include legal counsel if necessary.

Overall, treat all workplace injuries the same, regardless of where they occurred. Claims must be actively managed from the time they are reported. Employee safety and health should be a priority for all employers, regardless of an employee’s work location. Actively managing these claims is one step in assuring their well-being and the well-being of the company.

Thank you to Patti Dunham, MBA, MA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Director of HR Solutions for contributing to this HR Question of the Week.

Strategic HR understands your concerns with the well-being of your employees as well as your organization. We offer expertise in health, safety, and security to cover any need you may have ranging from creating workplace safety policies to developing a business resumption plan for handling unexpected emergencies. Please visit our Health, Safety & Security page for more information.

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What is HR’s Role in the Mergers & Acquisitions Process?

Image of people working around a table with the sign "M&A" on it.

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) are a complicated process affecting every facet of an organization – most importantly, its people. Because employees are the key to ensuring the success of any organization, it is critical to develop a thoughtful and strategic human resources-focused approach in the M&A process. This requires HR leaders to be involved from the beginning – as Forbes reminded us of several notable failed M&A attempts when employees were not factored into the process from the start. Through early and ongoing inclusion in the M&A evaluation, planning, and integration process, human resources can play an important role in strategic planning, change management, effective internal communication, and cultivating/transitioning culture.

HR’s Role in the Five Phases of M&A

We have found that most mergers and acquisitions include the following five phases, and we have identified how HR professionals can and should play a role in each phase to result in a successful merger.

Phase 1: M&A Evaluation

The first step in the M&A process is for the interested parties to start discussing the possible merger or acquisition. The name of the game here is discretion. Due to the sensitive nature of M&As and the data that will be shared, both parties will need to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to ensure that no information is leaked before the appropriate time.

These preliminary talks are often highly secretive because they may/may not lead to a merger, so there is no need to cause alarm. Although the level of confidentiality that’s needed can vary, its importance is heightened if either party is publicly traded. It’s critical for HR to be involved early to understand the HR landscape at a high level, including information such as the number of employees and managers, locations, whether or not a union will be involved, etc.

Phase 2: Third Party Engagement

Third parties help both the buyer and seller navigate the process. These third parties are usually lawyers, accountants, investment bankers, financial planners, business coaches, or M&A advisors. These individuals will be involved in the development of the structure and content of the legal agreement.

A merger or acquisition can happen quickly or take months. Although the timing varies, it is not too early for HR to start looking into what management changes need to take place when this deal closes, potential cultural problems, redundancy issues, and what key employees need to be retained. Having thought through these issues early in the process will improve the outcome.

Phase 3: Prep Time and Due Diligence

In this preparatory phase, HR should become even more involved. Initially, as an HR expert, you will want to get as much information as you can from the seller to begin your analysis. This information is usually provided in a secure data room and may be provided in general terms without any names, but it will give you an idea of the “HR side” of the organization. This could include:

  • Leadership compensation
  • Organization chart
  • NDAs
  • Employment agreements
  • Payroll records
  • Benefits that are offered, including 401k/retirement, compliance with ERISA, carriers for the plans, costs, last 2 years’ data
  • Pending legal issues
  • Financial documentation

At this point, the parties will sign a letter of intent signaling that they are all in agreement with the business framework for the deal. Now the due diligence begins. All documents are carefully reviewed by HR and finance to ensure that there are no unexpected surprises that could derail the deal.

Phase 4: The Agreement

In this phase, the finer details and price become the top focus. There are books written about how valuation is calculated in various industries, so we won’t go into that here. The most important thing is that both parties will come to an agreement on the price and legal documents will be drawn up. Be aware that negotiating the finer details of the acquisition may take longer than you would think.

Once the agreement is reached, there are some filings that need to be completed including with the secretary of state, tax documents, workers’ compensation, and other government bodies who will need to be notified of the event. At this point, the information will soon be public, and you should have a communication plan ready.

Once everything is signed, the integration of the two entities begins and management and HR must now bring the two workforces together.

Phase 5: Integration

HR is now tasked with ensuring the new company is fully integrated. The integration phase includes:

  • Communication strategy
  • Combining the organizations and cultures
  • Determining redundancies
  • Formulating strategy
  • Ensuring the retention of staff

The “people” side of the acquisition is extremely critical at this point. HR must find ways to retain key employees and keep employees engaged.

How HR Can Ensure Successful Integration

To weave together a new organization, HR will need to keep an eye on many different threads – first among those is culture. Cultural compatibility issues often arise when bringing together two or more organizations in the M&A process. The M&A integration always has a degree of misalignment, regardless of the perceived similarity between the two organizations. Cultural alignment has been identified as the top challenge in M&A transactions, therefore we recommend HR professionals be prepared to address it early on.

Additional areas of focus, as reflected in the diagram below, include combining policies and procedures, identifying and retaining key employees, conducting talent assessments, combining compensation and benefits, and implementing a well-developed communication strategy.

IMAGE - M&A Integration Chart

Identifying and Retaining Key Employees

Retention of key employees will be critical to the success of the M&A. To retain key talent that will help make the new organization successful, HR and/or management should communicate its intentions to the “star performers” as early in the process as is legally possible to help ensure retention. This will involve requesting access to conduct confidential interviews with key employees in advance of the actual closing date.

HR should advise management to be very careful not to under-commit to these key employees, or they will consider other employment options. Star performers know who they are and understand their personal and professional marketability.

Combining Policies and Procedures

HR will need to look at the policies of both organizations and consider how to handle the differences. You may choose to retain only the buyer’s or seller’s policies or combine the best pieces from both organizations. You will also need to determine how to handle any changes that would cause employees to have less than what they currently have (i.e., PTO, cell phone, etc.). In the end, you may decide to grandfather those items or provide compensation.

Conducting Talent Assessments

HR will need to identify and manage redundancies and reductions. Be prepared to allocate a significant amount of time to assess employee knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to determine which individuals will be retained and who will be let go. Your strategy may include terminations, early retirements, and a longer-term plan to simply not fill certain positions as they are vacated. A careful strategic approach will be key here – the ways in which these talent management decisions are made will be as important as the actual decisions themselves, as they’ll communicate a great deal about the new organization’s values.

Tips on how to approach talent assessments:

Go through your organizational chart and identify key people. Don’t limit yourself. Consider everyone, not just management. For example, are there key people in your hourly staff?

For each key employee provide:

  • A short summary of their main responsibilities
  • Years of service, specific experience, and retention risk estimate
  • Criticality of the role/employee for the continuation of business and operations
  • Any specific agreements with the employee not included in the data provided (i.e., education, training, bonus, perks)
  • Development ambition/potential for next steps or succession candidate for other roles within the company
  • Other comments to be highlighted by management

You may find a 9-box tool to be helpful in this analysis.

Combining Compensation & Benefits

Depending on the circumstances of the deal – and the compensation policies of the combining companies – HR will likely be called on to splice disparate payment plans into a compensation program that fits the new organization.

It goes without saying that all employees, new and old, will be concerned about what is happening with their pay. Be sure to provide full and early disclosure about the changes being considered to put their minds to rest. Also, members of the senior management team will be anxious to see what types of special arrangements (i.e., stock options, special retirement provisions, severance agreements) will be offered to them given the high-profile nature of the new positions.

In addition to developing compensation programs, HR will likely be required to assess and make recommendations on employee benefits. You can follow a similar process to how you combined policies and procedures for the organization by retaining only the buyer’s or seller’s benefits or combining the best pieces from both organizations. You should also decide if there are any options for which you choose to grandfather in or compensate.

Similar to compensation, employees are sure to be concerned about possible changes to their employee benefits coverage and will want to be informed about “the new package” as soon as that information is available.

Implementing a Well-Developed Communication Strategy

Having a well-planned communication strategy in place is critical throughout the M&A process. It is important to control the message, delivery, and timing, especially when it comes to who gets the information first (i.e., employees, clients, media, investors). When preparing your communication strategy for employees, HR and company leaders should use a concise people-related strategy.

You should include:

  1. The shared vision for the new company
  2. The nature and progress of the integration and the anticipated benefits
  3. The outcomes and rough timelines for future decisions
  4. Compensation and benefits
  5. Key policies, rules, and guidelines to govern employee behavior and related workplace expectations (i.e., attendance, time off, harassment, drug testing, privacy, etc.)

Communicating clear, consistent, and up-to-date information not only will give employees from both organizations a sense of control by keeping them informed, but it also can increase the coping abilities of employees and minimize the impact of the integration on performance.

Five Tips for a Successful Communication Program:

  1. Establish multiple routes of communication (i.e., one-on-one meetings, group sessions, newsletters, intranet updates).
  2. Focus on the themes of change and progress by highlighting projects that are going well and action items that are being delivered on time.
  3. Repeat the common themes of the M&A to increase employee understanding of the rationale behind the transaction.
  4. Provide opportunities for employee involvement and feedback.
  5. Ensure that employees understand there will be problems, but give a commitment that the problems will be identified and addressed as early as possible.

The Importance of Transparency and Compassion

The success of your integration hinges on how your restructuring is implemented. As a result, the highest priority for the acquiring company is to be transparent and straightforward about what is happening and what is planned. Even when the news is bad, the one thing employees of newly acquired companies appreciate most is the truth. This includes being able to say “we don’t know” about certain areas or “we have not yet decided” about others. Being honest also includes sharing information about when and by what process a decision is expected to be reached.

Once decisions are made about functions and people, HR and company leaders must treat those employees who will be negatively affected by the transaction with dignity, respect, and support. Not only is this approach the humane thing to do, but it also is a powerful way to show those who remain what kind of company they are now working for and can help them to begin to develop positive feelings toward the new organization.

Thank you to Cecilia Vocke, MS, SHRM-SCP, SPHR, for sharing her expertise in this article.

Ensuring that your HR Strategy aligns with your Company Strategy is critical to the success of your organization. Clark Schaefer Strategic HR has years of experience helping clients develop and implement their HR strategy and goals. Visit our HR Strategy Services to learn more about how we can help to assess your organizational design and HR processes to effectively plan for the future.

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How Can I Prevent Unethical Behavior On My Team?

Image of word collage with words related to ethics

HR Question:

I’m a new supervisor. Now that I have oversight of my team, I know it’s my responsibility to keep an eye out for unethical behavior. But what does that behavior look like? How can I prevent unethical conduct on my team?

HR Answer:

Ethics in the workplace can be a broad and, at times, intangible concept. At its root, unethical business practices include any behavior that violates the law, such as theft or violence, but can also include areas that are broader and more nebulous. According to The HR Digest, the five most common examples of unethical behaviors are:

  • Employee theft. In 2012, one out of every forty employees was caught stealing from the workplace.
  • Misusing company time. This may include an employee who spends the entire morning placing orders on Cyber Monday or a co-worker who clocks in for an employee who shows up late.
  • Verbal abuse. This can include bullying co-workers or subordinates or harassing employees.
  • Lying in the workplace. An example could be a sales employee who tells customers that a defective product has a flawless reliability record.
  • Taking credit for someone else’s work. This could be an employee who takes credit for a co-worker’s idea for a process improvement and receives a bonus for a job well done.

Is Unethical Behavior Really That Common?

Studies suggest that unethical behavior is something that all managers must confront at some point in their careers. To illustrate this point, in HR Ethical Dilemmas by the Society for Human Resources Management, 30% of surveyed U.S. employees said they felt pressured to compromise their workplace’s ethics, a 14% increase from three years earlier. Almost half of those employees surveyed said they observed misconduct that violated their organization’s ethics standards.

The risks of unethical behavior in business can be devastating. For instance, bad corporate behavior can lead to the loss of valued employees and can discourage new recruits from applying. Employees want to work for a company that has values that align with their own personal values. They’re even willing to take a pay cut for it, as evidenced by MetLife’s recent study that found 89% of employees are willing to trade some of their salary (an average of a 21% pay cut) to work at a company whose values match their own.

But the impact isn’t just felt internally, as customers’ decisions can also be impacted by unethical behavior. According to Accenture’s Global Consumer Pulse Research, 62% of consumers consider a company’s ethical values and authenticity before making their purchasing decisions. Finally, unethical behavior can carry with it legal risk, resulting in fines, penalties, and even incarceration.

How Can a Company Prevent Unethical Behavior?

Companies can take steps to prevent unethical and unlawful behavior. This includes the following steps:

  • Establish a Code of Conduct. Business leaders, including HR, must establish clear statements that define a company’s values, principles, and conduct.
  • Train every employee on the company’s values, principles, and code of conduct. Training should be done in a way that helps each employee to see how their work and behavior support these principles.
  • Establish a means for reporting unethical behavior. One of the most effective ways of enabling employees to report workplace ethics violations is to establish a 24/7 hotline that allows employees to report concerns anonymously and without retaliation. Those staffing the hotline should be a third-party, or employees who are removed from operational management. Concerns should be reported directly and confidentially to a senior executive or, in some cases, to a designated Board member.
  • Include a question on business ethics in your employee engagement surveys. If employees respond less than favorably to this question, find out why through focus groups or department meetings.
  • Share your Code of Conduct with your clients and suppliers. Let them know the company will abide by the Code while working with them. Provide them with a means to share feedback on any concerns regarding business ethics while working with the company.

As a supervisor, it goes without saying that your team is likely to emulate the behavior that you model. Therefore, it is important that you uphold the company’s values and Code of Conduct in your own behavior and ensure that your team members receive the appropriate training and understand the ethical standards they are expected to maintain.


Special thanks to Terry Wilson, SHRM, SPHR-SCP for writing this edition of our HR Question of the Week!  

Have a new supervisor on your team? Put them on the road to success by signing them up for our Supervisor Training Series! Visit our Training and Development page to learn how we can help your management team to get off to the right start.

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How Do I Write and Deliver a Written Warning?

Photo of professional pointing to clipboard holding written warning

HR Question:

I have an employee who is not following company policy. I have given them several verbal warnings, and I know my next step is a written warning. How do I write and deliver a written warning?

HR Answer:

Disciplining employees can be uncomfortable. That’s why most companies have a Progressive Disciplinary Policy, clearly stating the steps employees need to take to modify unacceptable behavior and achieve the expectations of their role within the company. This can take the burden of deciding the next steps or consequences off of the manager and help them maintain an unbiased disciplinary process.

In order for the Progressive Disciplinary Policy to work as designed, it’s important that managers and supervisors document incidents appropriately. By following this policy and documenting incidents accordingly, companies can make a case for discipline or termination. However, without the appropriate documentation, taking disciplinary action can be potentially risky.

How Do Progressive Disciplinary Policies Start?

Most Progressive Disciplinary Policies start with a verbal warning. It’s important to make sure the employee is aware of what policy they are not following, as sometimes it’s simply a case of not being aware. It’s the “human” part of “human resources” – sometimes, employees make honest mistakes when they aren’t aware that they’re not in compliance. A verbal warning here can do the trick. However, sometimes it takes more than a verbal warning. That is when a written warning comes into play.

What’s Next? A Written Warning.

A written warning is a more formal step in the disciplinary process. A written warning should include:

  • Employee Name
  • Position
  • Expectations
  • Details of failed expectations
  • Consequences of failing to improve
  • Employee comment section
  • Manager signature/date
  • Employee acknowledgment

It’s important to include factual information should the process or the disciplinary action ever be called into question. Additionally, any emotion or opinions should be kept out of the written warning and subsequent documentation.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Warning

Susan Heathfield, a writer for Balanced Careers, shares the following excellent examples of the right and wrong ways to document an attendance issue in The Importance of Documentation in Human Resources:


“Mark is usually late for work. Mark misses too much work.”

In this example, the documentation lacks specific examples, dates, and times, and includes the supervisor’s opinion, making a poor case against the employee and a strong case for discrimination or targeting by the supervisor.


“April 1: Mark called in sick and missed eight hours of work.”
“April 4: Mark arrived at work at 10 a.m., two hours late from his scheduled start time.”
“April 6: Mark scheduled a doctor’s appointment and then, stayed home to have a new furnace installed.”
“April 12: Mark called in sick and missed eight hours of work.”

See how the documentation relies on dates, times, and the amount of work missed? It also details the specific reasons the employee was missing work, rather than letting those facts be forgotten or muddled when recalled later.

Best Practices for Written Warnings

Like most processes in business, there are best practices when it comes to delivering written warnings. First, it’s important to be consistent and timely. Avoid waiting days or weeks to write up an employee for an issue, as the impact of the warning (as well as the clarity of each person’s memory) can fade with time. Additionally, if you write up one employee for an attendance issue, be prepared to write up others who have the same issue. This consistency can help prevent claims of discrimination or favoritism.

At the end of the day, it’s important to provide feedback to your team members to help them succeed. If the employee has improved, be sure to acknowledge their effort. If the employee has not improved in the time allowed, continue to follow your Progressive Disciplinary Policy.

Special thanks to Sherri Hume, SHRM-CP and Samantha Kelly for contributing to this HR Question of the Week. 

Employment recordkeeping does not rank high on the list of favorite human resources responsibilities, but it can get you into hot water if not done properly. Keeping appropriate disciplinary documentation is vital to proving your processes are compliant.  Avoid the fines and minimize your stress level by having Strategic HR assist with your recordkeeping compliance. Visit our HR Compliance and Recordkeeping page to learn more about our services.

Image of our Wheel of HR Services, with a focus on Employee Relations.

What are the Essentials of a Good Employee Relations Plan?

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What are the Newest Benefit Trends?

Image of HR professional spelling out the word "Benefits" with block letters.

HR Question:

We’re trying to review our benefit offerings to make sure that we’re meeting each of our employees’ needs. We’re able to offer the basics – health, dental, vision – but are there offerings we haven’t considered yet to keep up with benefit trends?

HR Answer:

In today’s market, it’s as important to retain the talent that you have as it is to recruit the right talent. The conversation around retention has offered employees a greater opportunity to be more vocal about their individual needs. So, what innovative employee benefits trends are employers implementing to retain their workforce and catch the eye of necessary talent? How can employers structure their benefits package with offerings that are appealing and beneficial to each employee?

Now more than ever, employees consider benefit offerings as an essential part of their compensation packages. While it’s obvious that employers can’t offer the sun, moon, and stars, employers can survey their teams to understand the benefits that would truly make a positive impact in their lives (and hopefully retain these employees longer). The results may surprise you, as it’s possible only a few adjustments need to be made to meet the wants and needs of your workforce.

For example, consider these four trending areas to enhance benefits and voluntary options to accommodate employee wants and needs: mental health, policies to support neurodiverse employees, support for life-changing diagnoses, and financial assistance.

Mental Health

Mental health remains one of the most talked-about and pressing benefit trends of this year. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has receded to levels that allow for a partial return to normal, the impact on mental health remains. Many employers are turning to partnerships with apps like Calm or Headspace, while others (such as Clark Schaefer Hackett) have taken the opportunity to extend their Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) to cover their employees’ extended family members, such as siblings and in-laws.

Policies to Support Neurodiverse Employees

It has been proven that diverse workforces naturally perform better. But diversity goes beyond race, gender, or age – it can also apply to thinking styles, abilities, and problem-solving practices (also known as neurodiversity). By creating inclusive policies and benefits for neurodiverse individuals – such as people with autism – organizations can open their doors to additional talent, unique perspectives, and innovative individuals, creating even greater diversity and inclusion in their workplace.

Support for Life-Changing Moments

As the conversation around work/life balance ebbs and flows between a balance and an integration, many would agree that personal life priorities impact performance, focus, and success at work. Offering support for moments such as cancer diagnoses and care programs (such as cancer insurance or critical illness insurance) or addressing the needs of female health (such as time and flexible work hours to deal with symptoms of menopause or fertility needs), miscarriages, or adoption needs can go a long way in addressing the work/life needs of your employees.

Financial Assistance

According to Schwab Retirement Plan Service’s annual survey, 48% of participants found themselves more likely to save more in general due to the pandemic, with over 85% listing a 401(k) plan as a “must-have” benefit. If 401(k) plans fall outside of what your organization can provide, consider offering smaller but still impactful benefits such as reimbursements for work-at-home expenses, stipends for child-care support, or programs to support emergency savings, debt management, and budgeting.

While healthcare costs continue to rise amongst the “Great Resignation” waves, employers are not without ways to attract and retain a larger percentage of their employees – starting with their benefit offerings.

Thanks to Janine Cummings, SPHR, SHRM-SCP for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week. 

Strategic HR has the answers to all of your tough Benefits and Compensation-related questions. Please visit our Benefits & Compensation page for more information or contact us to troubleshoot today.

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

The Top Seven Handbook Policies to Include This Year

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Do I Have to Give Performance Bonuses to Employees on FMLA Leave?

Image of our Wheel of HR Services, with a focus on Employee Relations.

Specific Ways HR Can Cultivate an Inclusive Workplace

Photo of a diverse team working together to cultivate an inclusive workplace

HR Question:

We’re celebrating the last full week of Black History month, and we want to keep the conversation going. How can our HR department cultivate a more inclusive environment beyond Black History Month?

HR Answer:

While the month of February inspires us to celebrate the successes and recognize the struggles of Black and African American individuals across the US, this focus and spotlight do not have to (and we’d argue should not) be limited to four weeks out of the year. In “The Diversity and Inclusion Revolution,” one of the eight truths the Deloitte Review focuses on is that to create a diverse and welcoming workplace, organizations have to “perform a culture reset, not a tick-the-box program.” Celebrating the work and contributions of Black Americans during one month is not enough to build a diverse culture – rather, it can contribute to a continuous, inclusive facet of a larger and ongoing conversation; one that includes a wide range of abilities, identities, ethnicities, races, and genders.

Studies have shown that increasing the diversity of teams and leadership leads to increased innovation. Additionally, it’s no secret that diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplaces see higher than average financial performance as well. It is easy to see why cultivating an inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do; it is also a smart business decision. So as you look for ways for HR to continue to nurture and grow a more inclusive environment beyond February, we offer the following suggestions.

Embrace 3 Pillars of Diversity and Inclusion

After studying the most productive workplaces around the world, Gallup identified three requirements for a diverse and inclusive workplace culture:

  1. Employees are treated with respect
  2. Employees are valued for their strengths
  3. Leaders do what is right

By viewing diversity and inclusion through a broader lens as Gallup has, it opens the door for everyone to see how they can play a role. It’s naturally HR’s role to facilitate open conversations amongst employees, managers, and executives, including facilitating eye-opening and bridge-building conversations about how to understand and respect one another’s differences and the value that these differences can bring to our professional and personal lives.

In addition to having meaningful conversations that foster a respectful and inclusive environment, we recommend that you review your employee handbook to ensure that your policies and practices fully support diversity and inclusion in your organization. For example, do you have a clear path for employees to go to HR should they have concerns about the inclusivity of their workplace?

Provide Training that Meets Employees Where They are in the Journey

As your organization continues to foster a culture of inclusion and belonging for everyone, it’s important that your employees have the tools and common language to talk through related topics and issues together. When it comes to understanding diversity and how we can learn from one another, there is not a lack of potential training and development experiences. No matter where your employees are on this journey, it is important to continue to provide education and opportunities for growth.  If you don’t feel that you are best equipped to educate employees on the subject matter, you may feel inclined to bring in a reputable speaker or training facilitator to optimize the experience.

Look for Ways to Foster a Sense of Belonging

There are many ways that HR can be purposeful in cultivating an inclusive culture. You can look for opportunities throughout the year to recognize important dates or impactful cultural events and help employees to celebrate them. For example, Juneteenth was recognized as a federal holiday beginning in 2021 – does your organization have plans to celebrate, recognize, or highlight the holiday? Can your employees take time off through established or floating holidays without utilizing their PTO in order to celebrate?

With the goal of creating an inclusive environment, consider providing forums and welcoming spaces for members of various affinity communities to exchange ideas, find mentorships, encourage a sense of belonging, and network. These groups could range from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds to LGBTQIA2S+, women, young and emerging professionals, and more. For example, look to GE’s Employee Resource Groups, which exist for the purpose of welcoming “all employees to learn, connect, advocate, and foster a sense of belonging.”

Get Involved in Your Local Community

As the Deloitte Review emphasized, “match the inside and the outside.” Internal efforts to continue the conversations emphasized during Black History month or other diversity and inclusion initiatives can be more effective when matched with external efforts to make a difference in your local community. Look for outside opportunities through community action groups or nonprofit organizations. You could also consider paying employees for their time and efforts contributing to a more inclusive and welcoming society.

As we mentioned, there are countless ways that HR can cultivate an inclusive workplace, so we hope that these suggestions inspire even more ideas for how you can nurture diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in your organization.

Thank you to Mary Mitchell, MBA, SPHR, CHRS; Melinda Canino, MS; and Samantha Osborne Kelly for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week.

Having an inclusive organizational culture that contributes to your organization’s overall success doesn’t happen by accident. It needs to be nurtured. Learn how we can help you to nurture your culture through our DEIB Consulting Services, or contact us today.

How Do We Create An Emergency Preparedness Plan?

HR Question:

We don’t have a formalized emergency preparedness plan, and I think we should probably have one, right? What should we include?

HR Answer:

You’re right. Every employer needs an emergency action plan for many reasons, including to be compliant with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1020.38(a) requirement. Beyond the mandate, every employer should want to protect their employees from harm to the best of their ability, as emergencies can be unpredictable, scary, and have impacts beyond your business to the community around you – such as the recent explosion at a Northern Kentucky chemical plant. And finally, if you do not protect employees and they are harmed, they may come back with a lawsuit, as was the case after the recent tornados destroyed a local factory in Mayfield, Kentucky.

Emergency action planning doesn’t have to be hard. You should have a written policy to address a variety of potential emergency situations such as a fire, tornado, hurricane, chemical spill or explosion, active shooter, and major illness or pandemic. When prepping Emergency Response Plans, it’s important that you anticipate the variety of emergencies you might face. Consider the risks that your organization may be exposed to, even if they’ve never happened before, and make a list. Create a separate plan for each separate emergency. After all, how you respond to a flood may be very different than how you would respond to a tornado.

From there, it’s important that you prepare your teams. Clearly communicate these plans to all employees at all locations annually and be sure to practice them on a regular basis. At a minimum, the strongest emergency response plans should include:

  • A way of making an immediate announcement of an emergency to employees (e.g., PA system, phones, text, etc.)
  • Response procedures including emergency escape routes and safe shelter-in-place designated areas (post these routes/locations at common points in the building)
  • Identification of a safety officer and/or employees who may remain to perform critical operations before they evacuate/shelter-in-place (depending on the severity of the emergency) and what those operations are
  • Accounting for all employees after evacuating or emergency has concluded
  • Rescue and medical duties for employees
  • Names or job titles of persons who should be notified of the situation

The beginning of a new year is a great time to remind your employees of your emergency action plans and practice them for a variety of situations. Some resources available to assist in developing plans include:

Special thanks to Lorrie Diaz, MS, for contributing to this HR Question of the Week! 

It’s not negative thinking to plan for a devastating event that could harm employees or impact your company’s ability to function – in fact, it’s a good business practice. Bad things happen, but it’s how we prepare for and recover from a disastrous event that often leads to success or failure. Visit our Health, Safety & Security page to learn more about how we can help you with your emergency preparedness needs.