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Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

Volunteer Time

Question: Can my employee volunteer time to my non-profit organization or an event sponsored by the employer? Answer: For an exempt employee, ABSOLUTELY! There are no concerns regarding payment for an exempt employee under the FLSA, and they can actually be required to assist as part of their job, if it is part of their […]

Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

Voluntary Classification Settlement Program

Question: What is the new Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP) and what, if anything, does my company need to do? Answer: The new Voluntary Classification Settlement Program (VCSP) was developed by the IRS to provide payroll tax relief to employers that reclassify their workers (as employees) for future tax periods. Part of the Fresh Start initiative […]

Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

Exemption Status of Inside Sales

How do you handle the exemption status for Inside Sales employees?

Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

Paying Employees for Work-Related Activities

The other day I asked an employee to drop off some paperwork at a client’s on their way to lunch – it was on the way. When the employee turned in their time for the week they included that drive time to the client’s. Do I need to pay employees for their time when they are driving past the establishment anyway?

Image of our Wheel of HR Services, with a focus on Employee Relations.

Employee Engagement…From Beginning to End

By Patti Dunham, MA, MBA, SPHR and Debbie Hatke, MA, SPHR Employee engagement; we’ve heard the term before and as HR professionals we know and we preach that “happy” employees are “productive” employees. But do we really understand engagement? Have we really tried to truly get employees engaged? Do we recognize, and act on the knowledge, […]

Active Shooter Training: Surviving the Unthinkable

By David Powell with Strategic HR Unfortunately, there have been an increased number of active shooter incidents across the country.  With the increase in number, it becomes even more critical to ensure we help prepare our employees should the unthinkable happen.  However, many employers are unsure where to begin to help prepare their employees for […]

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR services, with Training & Development Services highlighted in purple.

Solutions for Dysfunctional Teams

Question: I have a cross-functional team of very competent employees that used to be effective, but recently they seem to have lost their way.  There is occasional in-fighting and now I am seeing some group paralysis and they are starting to miss deadlines.  What’s going on and is there something that I can do to […]


The recommendations and opinions provided by Clark Schaefer Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.