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The recommendations and opinions provided by Clark Schaefer Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.
Impact of Inclement Weather on Employees
Last Updatedin Health, Safety & Security
Question: With the cold months and potential for bad weather, I’m concerned about the possibility of weather impeding our employees’ ability to get to work. What workplace practices and policies do we need to consider? Answer: Great Question, and kudos to you for proactively thinking about potential challenges for your employees and the business. As […]
What Is the Business World Doing to Support the Sandwich Generation?
Last Updatedin HR Strategy
Question: With so much focus lately on Millennial’s, I’m curious what employers are doing to support another group of employees — the Sandwich Generation? Answer: For employees in the Sandwich Generation who are caring not only for their own children, but also for their aging parents, they often will trudge along to care for the […]
Project Management for HR Projects
Last Updatedin HR Strategy
Many HR professionals have experienced working on a project and struggling to finish the job. This could have been the result of resources that were only available part time, scope that changed after the job was started, or a timeline that was way too ambitious. As HR professionals, we are regularly presented with assignments that […]
Employee Files
Last Updatedin Recordkeeping
Question: I’m a new HR assistant in a company that hasn’t had an HR presence before. The secretary previously handled all of the personnel paperwork and the files are a mess. What’s the first thing I should do? Answer: Keeping employee files “clean” are a very important part of human resources. If you have inherited […]
Do I Have to Allow Employees to “Opt Out” of Pre-Tax Deductions?
Last Updatedin Benefits & Compensation
Question: If I have an employer that has a premium only (pre-tax / IRS Section 125a premium deduction plan) – do I have to allow employees the opportunity to “opt out” of the pre-tax deduction? In other words, they want the premium to come out post-tax….do I have to allow that? Answer: Yes, employees must […]
Key Areas of Recordkeeping to Keep Up to Date in the New Year
Last Updatedin Recordkeeping
Question: As the new year begins, what specific tasks should I be thinking about to ensure we have our Recordkeeping up to date and accurate for the new year? Answer: Kudos to you for thinking proactively. As you close out last year and dive into the new year, there are a few key areas of […]
Can We Hire Someone on a J-2 Visa?
Last Updatedin HR Compliance
Question: What is a J-2 Visa holder? Can we hire a J-2 Visa holder for a position that is located in the United States? Answer: A J-2 Visa holder is a spouse or dependent of a J-1 Visa holder. A J-1 Visa is a non-immigrant visa issued by the United States to research scholars, professors, and exchange visitors […]