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Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR services, with Training & Development Services highlighted in purple.

Key Components of an Onboarding Plan

HR Question: We’re a small company, but growing quickly. We don’t have a formal process for onboarding yet. What are the key components of a good onboarding plan? HR Answer: In this tight labor market, anyone who is responsible for hiring new talent understands how difficult it is to find the right person with the […]

HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

What’s the Most Effective Way to Use Panel Interviews?

HR Question: As a retention and growth opportunity, we have decided to shift to panel interviews to engage our team members in the hiring process. What’s the most effective way to use panel interviews? HR Answer: Panel interviews, when planned properly, can greatly exceed the effectiveness of single interviewer methods. Why Single Interviewer Methods Can […]

Image of our Wheel of HR Services, with a focus on Employee Relations.

Why Employee Retention is More Important Now Than Ever

We’ve all been hearing the same thing: we’re in the Post-Pandemic War for Talent. Some have called it the Turnover Tsunami or the Great Resignation. No matter what it’s called, the reality remains the same: businesses are in a talent crisis. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported 9.2 million job openings in May 2021 – […]

Image of our Wheel of HR Services, with a focus on Employee Relations.

How to Handle Unemployment Fraud?

HR Question: Our company is getting unemployment notices for people that have never worked here, or in some cases, people who are still employed.  How should I handle this unemployment fraud? HR Answer: The increasing level of unemployment fraud has been a source of frustration for states, employers, and individual employees.  Various US congressional packages […]

HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

Hiring Ex-Sex Offenders

HR Question: I am open to the idea of possibly hiring someone with a past record as a sex offender.  Will this be a concern to my employees?  What do I need to think about before bringing them on board? HR Answer: When it comes to hiring ex-sex offenders, companies should walk into the situation […]

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

Strategies for Managing Change in Your Organization

Change – it impacts us at work and in our personal lives. Sometimes it happens suddenly and swiftly where no pre-planning can occur. We find ourselves scrambling to process what’s happened, what it means, and how it will affect us. We are forced to pivot and determine what to do differently so “the change” becomes […]

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

H-1B Termination

What is an employer’s obligation when terminating an H-1B employee?


The recommendations and opinions provided by Clark Schaefer Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.