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The recommendations and opinions provided by Clark Schaefer Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.
How Employers Can Understand and Support Those With Eating Disorders
Last Updatedin Employee Relations
by Stephanie Pittman Sullivan, MA, PHR What you don’t know may be hurting your employees and your bottom line. The prevalence of eating disorders is staggering. Employers may suspect an employee has an eating disorder but not know how to address the problem and be hesitant to do or say anything given today’s legal climate. […]
How to Develop a Strategic Plan for Your Business
Last Updatedin HR Strategy
Updated February 2021 Creating a strategic plan for your business or new division is like creating a map for an exciting, but unfamiliar, journey. This map will help to keep you on course if you start going in the wrong direction, but it isn’t so stringent that you can’t check out different roads along the […]
HRIS Software – What Does “Determine Your Needs” Mean?
Last Updatedin Communications
By Clay Scroggins with If you have read any articles on selecting an HRIS, HRMS or HR software programs, they all say you first have to determine your needs. The phrase is used so often it’s almost a cliche. I am not saying that people who say this are wrong; far from it. I […]
Aligning Compensation with Strategic Business Imperatives
Last Updatedin Benefits & Compensation
by Linda Gravett, Ph.D., SPHR, CEQC A compensation philosophy relates to an organization’s commitment to how it values employees. A consistent and intentional pay philosophy gives both the organization and its employees a frame of reference when discussing salary in a negotiation. The goal of a compensation philosophy is to attract, retain and foster an […]
3 Keys to Successful Recruitment
Last Updatedin Recruitment
The complexities of the recruiting world are affecting all three of the main actors in the process: Candidates, Recruiters, and Hiring Managers. In this article we have taken the perspective of each of these parties and evaluated their involvement with the other parties.
How To Turn Reactive Solutions Into Necessary Change
Last Updatedin HR Strategy
Question: I get complaints at times that I am too reactive to situations and that I need to be more strategic in my thinking. I feel like reactivity is necessary, in my job. Who is right? Answer: Well, you both are right. In human resources, we are required to react in many situations that arise…every […]
Corporate Social Responsibility
Last Updatedin HR Strategy
Question: My new VP is focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and I’m not really sure what that means. Can you explain what that means and how HR has a role? Answer: Corporate Social Responsibility is a broad term for self-regulating oneself in terms of ethical responsibility and compliance. The term can refer to both internal and […]