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The recommendations and opinions provided by Clark Schaefer Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.
Ensuring Safety in the Workplace
Last Updatedin Health, Safety & Security
We seem to be experiencing a flare up in minor workplace accidents. What are some steps we can take to raise safety awareness and reduce the number of incidents?
Work Related Injuries from a Home Office
Last Updatedin Health, Safety & Security
I have “virtual” employees who don’t spend all their work time in the office. How do I know if an employee’s injury is work related if they work out of their home?
Notice of Creditable Coverage
Last Updatedin Benefits & Compensation
Question: My husband just received a “Notice of Creditable Coverage” at home from his employer. As a Human Resources professional, I’m not sure what this is and I am wondering if I am supposed to be distributing something to my employees? Answer: Yes! The Medicare Modernization Act requires entities, employers with prescription drug coverage, to […]
Low Cost Benefit Ideas
Last Updatedin Benefits & Compensation
Question: We are a small business trying to attract and retain staff in this competitive job market. We can only offer so much in compensation. Are there any low-cost benefit ideas you can recommend? Answer: With unemployment levels at a record low, attracting and retaining talent is extremely hard regardless of the size […]
What are the Advantages of Financial Wellness Programs?
Last Updatedin Benefits & Compensation
Question: I’ve been hearing a lot about employers offering financial wellness programs as a benefit for employees in 2017. What is a financial wellness program and what are the advantages of offering this benefit to my employees? Answer: Financial wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular as an employee benefit. A 2016 Aon Hewitt report found that […]
What is the Value of Job Descriptions?
Last Updatedin Communications, HR Compliance
HR Question: Do I really need job descriptions for my employees? Are they legally required? We have a small staff and everyone has to be willing to do everything. What is the value of having job descriptions? HR Answer: No, job descriptions are not legally required documents, however, they can help your employees (and their […]
What are the Essentials of a Good Employee Relations Plan?
Last Updatedin Employee Relations