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Image of our Wheel of HR Services, with a focus on Employee Relations.

Workplace Bullying

Question: One of our employees is complaining that they are being bullied by a senior manager. What do we do or how should I coach the employee to handle the situation? Answer: Unfortunately, there is no law protecting an employee against bullying, UNLESS it turns into a hostile work environment protected by Title VII of the […]

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

English-Only Rules in the Workplace

Question: The owner of our company wants to institute an “English-only” rule, requiring our employees to only speak English in the workplace.  I’m just not comfortable with this at all.  Is this even legal? Answer: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has issued a position statement indicating that English only policies in the workplace violate […]

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

Unemployment For Seasonal Workers

Question: Are seasonal employees eligible for unemployment if they meet the minimum requirements of length of service and wages? Answer: More and more states are saying “no”. There are many jobs that only last for a portion of the year, which have typically been eligible for jobless benefits. Federal law gives each state the option […]

Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

Can I backdate FMLA paperwork?

Question: Can I backdate FMLA paperwork to the date at which the employee went on Workers’ Compensation? Answer: In a word, “no” – FMLA cannot be backdated. That’s why it is so critical that HR is on top of any types of absences that may qualify for FMLA. If an injury that falls under Workers’ […]

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

Return To Work / Fit for Duty

We have an employee out on family medical leave (FMLA) for a serious health condition. If he provides medical certification from his physician that he can return to work with no limitations, can we require the employee to submit to further examination to see if he is fit for duty under the ADA? The employee is not claiming any disability and has requested no consideration under ADA, but we believe he might be unable to perform the job duties.

Clark Schaefer Strategic HR's wheel of HR Services, including HR Strategy, Recruitment, Training & Development, Benefits & Compensation, Communications, Employee Relations, Recordkeeping, and Health, Safety & Security

H-1B Versus At-Will Employment

We’re considering hiring an individual who needs sponsorship to work in the U.S. Do we need to be concerned that sponsoring an employee will alter the “at will” employment agreement?

Image of HR Wheel of Services emphasizing Benefits and Compensation Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR

Handling Employee Pay when Bad Weather Hits

With all the bad weather we have been having, how do I handle paying employees when our facilities are closed, or employees just don’t make it in because of the weather?


The recommendations and opinions provided by Strategic HR and its staff are advisory only and are based on general human resource management fundamentals, practices and principles, and are not legal opinions or guaranteed outcomes. This information is provided with the understanding that the user assumes the risk of verifying information used from this site when interpreting it for their own use. We strongly recommend, as part of a team approach to management, that companies consult with their legal counsel to address specific legal concerns related to human resource issues.