HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.

Why Do My Candidates Keep Dropping Out?

Last Updated on March 1, 2024 / Recruitment

HR Question:

I’m trying to find the right talent for my team, but candidates keep withdrawing midway through my process! Why do my candidates keep dropping out of my recruitment funnel, and how can I prevent it?

HR Answer:

It can be incredibly frustrating when a candidate drops out of your recruitment process with little to no warning – especially if you were excited about the prospect of adding them to your team. Hiring managers and recruiters are often forced to start at square one, most likely still feeling the sting of a lost star candidate.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many candidates who originally were interested in pursuing a new role may withdraw their candidacy for numerous reasons. They may feel more comfortable staying where they are. They may be unsure of how your organization is approaching COVID-19 precautions and procedures, and they feel safer working remotely in their current role. It’s possible that they may be concerned about layoffs after they join your team and don’t want to jump ship unless it’s clear their current role is coming to an end.

So how can talent acquisition teams reduce the drop-out rate and recruit great talent – even in a pandemic? There are a few approaches.

Streamline your Recruitment Process

Now more than ever, candidates want a fast and efficient recruitment process. At a time when they may feel that they’re tackling obstacles in many aspects of their lives (managing their daily lives amidst the constraints of the pandemic, working while home-schooling children, caring for family, maintaining social distance from loved ones), a clunky or inefficient recruitment process shouldn’t be one of those obstacles. One of the goals of your recruiting process should be to provide a candidate experience that is as smooth, efficient, and engaging as possible to reduce the number of candidates dropping out.

Educating candidates on your recruitment process early on will help to manage their expectations from the beginning. This will allow them to feel more prepared when they move through each step in the process, allowing them to focus on the company itself rather than any outdated application platforms, repetitive conversations, or delayed or a lack of communication on your company’s part. If your recruitment process cannot be simplified due to regulations or certifications (including background checks, reference checks, health screenings, and more), make sure the candidate understands why.