Don’t Miss Your Chance for a Free Recruitment Checkup!

Recruiting the right talent has become a huge challenge for many organizations. Is your talent acquisition process running like a well-oiled machine, or is it having some hiccups along the way? Whether you’re experiencing small setbacks in your process or struggling to fill your open positions, our Free Recruitment Checkup will help to get your recruitment process back on track!

Our Free Recruitment Checkup is a brief survey to assess the effectiveness of your talent acquisition process, including your job postings, job descriptions, candidate experience, and more. This survey will help you identify what is going well with your recruitment processes, what opportunities you can improve upon, and what (if any) immediate changes are needed.

The Recruitment Checkup takes roughly 15 – 30 minutes to complete. After submitting your Checkup, one of our recruiting experts will debrief your results to help you understand your recruitment strengths and where potential improvements could be made in your talent acquisition process.

Limited Offer!

We will provide a Free Recruitment Checkup – a $500 value! – to the first 25 companies who complete the request below! (US companies only)

HR Wheel for Recruitment Services from Clark Schaefer Strategic HR.