Performance Review Copies
HR Question:
Am I required to provide my employees with a copy of their performance reviews?
HR Answer:
We consider it a best practice to give employees a copy of their performance review since it is being discussed with them, it can affect your/management’s decisions regarding their compensation, and it is a signed document. However, no law mandates that you provide it to the employee. See below for an excerpt from Nolo on State Laws on Access to your Personnel File:
While many states now have some type of law regulating personnel files…most of these laws control not the content of the files, but, rather:
• Whether and how employees and former employees can get access to their personnel files,
• Whether employees are entitled to copies of the documents in them, and
• How employees can contest and correct erroneous information in their files.
In some states, [employees] have a right to see those files only if they are related to a lawsuit [the employee] filed against [his/her] employer or former employer. Even then, [he/she] might be in for a legal battle over what portions of the files are relevant to the case. But, in many states, [employees] have the right to see the contents of [their] personnel file—or at least some of the documents in it—without filing a lawsuit.
In Ohio, for example, “there is no law in Ohio that requires an employer to grant an employee access to his or her personnel file. There are, however, two key exceptions: medical records and wage and hour records” (Source).
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