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How to Re-Energize Your Team Through Training & Development

Last Updated on August 15, 2024 / Employee Relations, Training & Development

A classroom of professionals raising their hands

HR Question:

I’m concerned that our employee morale and engagement are waning. How can we re-energize our team through training and development?

HR Answer:

You’re smart to be concerned. The world continues to be a challenging place. So many of us have personal struggles and concerns that we may be dealing with at home. Not to mention concerns about the economy, politics, the influence of social media, and a general perception that the world is in decline. This weighs on employees and is bound to affect their morale and engagement. It’s a lot to expect employees to leave all of that at the door. In addition to that, the fluctuating job market means employers need to be concerned about keeping the good employees they have.

In recent Gallup surveys, employee engagement continues to decline. Some of the reasons cited are lack of role clarity, less connection to the organization and mission, and not feeling like someone cared about them. Additionally, survey data has also shown that employees want an opportunity for growth and development.

The good news is that organizations can address this by taking steps to support employees and leaders at all levels.

Include Your Employees From the Start

If you haven’t already done so, we recommend that you conduct a Training Needs Analysis to identify what types of training would be beneficial for your organization as a whole, in addition to assessing development options for individual employees.

When considering new or unique training and development opportunities, you may find a greater return on investment by asking the employees who will participate in those programs to share their thoughts on what training is needed. Connecting with your team and considering their suggestions for training and development content, as well as their preferred ways to learn, can be a great way to ensure that the training will be on target for what employees want and need. Plus, it can re-engage them in their current positions and stimulate their career growth interests.

Supporting Your Leaders

Organizations tend to underestimate the impact that managers and leaders have on engagement and retention. According to Gallup, 70% of engagement is tied to the behaviors of the manager. Additionally, DDI found that 57% of employees say they have left a job due to the manager.

Even on a tight budget, it’s critical to train and support your leaders. Many employees perceive their direct manager as “the company.” When they have a positive relationship with them and feel valued, the likelihood that they will stay with the company and give their best effort increases significantly. However, HR can’t assume that leaders know what employees need. Here are some things employees are looking for from their leaders:

Empathy – Given what we know employees may be dealing with, an empathetic leader is welcomed and appreciated. When an employee feels like someone cares about them, they can bring their best selves to work. However, this does not always come easily to leaders. Consider training such as:

  • Managing with Empathy
  • Building Trust
  • Emotional Intelligence

Where do I fit in? – Employees want to feel that they are valued and that they are contributing to something more than just assembling widgets or processing orders. Leaders play a key role in helping employees see where they contribute to the organization and understand the bigger picture. Consider training such as:

  • Delegation and Empowerment
  • Giving Effective Feedback

Learning & Development for All Levels

Additionally, employees want opportunities to learn and grow with their employers. This can be done both formally or informally. Job shadowing, cross-training, and mentoring are great low-cost ways to provide development opportunities. Consider other training opportunities such as:

  • Dealing with Conflict
  • Exceptional Customer Service
  • Utilizing AI to Enhance Your Role
  • Being a Strategic Partner

It’s not surprising that LinkedIn’s recent Workplace Learning Report found 94% of employees say they would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development. In order to attract and retain key talent – particularly during times like this when many are feeling tired and disengaged – savvy business leaders will recharge their teams with training and development for their organization. Reaching out and making sure that your employees know that your organization cares about and is committed to fostering their skills and career development can be a valuable retention tool.

Thank you to Cathleen Snyder, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, Jeff Rouse, MSOL, and Melinda Canino, MS, for contributing to this edition of our HR Question of the Week!

Is training your employees a goal for this year? Let the experts at Clark Schaefer Strategic HR help re-energize your team through Training and Development. We have the expertise to conduct a needs assessment and deliver impactful, customized training for your staff. Visit our Training & Development page to learn how we can help you achieve your training goals.

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