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Corporate Social Responsibility

Last Updated on November 2, 2022 / HR Strategy


My new VP is focused on Corporate Social Responsibility and I’m not really sure what that means.  Can you explain what that means and how HR has a role?


Corporate Social Responsibility is a broad term for self-regulating oneself in terms of ethical responsibility and compliance. The term can refer to both internal and external activities that an organization can take part in to improve itself as well as the communities and environments in which it works. Strategic HR Leaders should take an active role in Corporate Social Responsibility. HR can take the lead by linking the identified corporate initiatives and tie them to bonus programs, development plans, retention, not to mention recruiting. These identified initiatives can become measurable results for the entire organization.

In many organizations HR still struggles to find a place at the leadership table. By thinking strategically and relying on proven business practices and tools HR can show value and become a partner with the leadership team. Strategic HR knows how difficult it can be to integrate practices with the overall business strategy. Let us assist you with your strategic initiatives – visit our HR Strategy page to learn more.